We Didn't See the Wizard

May 04, 2011 08:32

Back from my second trip to Seattle. The HLP and I had a lot of fun for only 26 hours. We hit two of the three veggie restaurants we wanted. (The third we literally walked a mile uphill in the rain to reach, only to find it closed.)

On Sunday we spent some time at the EMP, where she fangirled over the Nirvana exhibit and I spent some time basking in the awesomeness that is Apollo’s Mark IV Viper.  Sadly the SciFi Hall of Fame was closed because they were working on the upcoming avatar exhibit.  (Lame!)  The weather was nice, so we also walked down to the Olympic Sculpture Garden and spent some time sitting by the Sound.  We finished the day at the top of the Space Needle, where clouds ruined the sunset but it was otherwise very, very cool.

Monday we started at PacSci, for the Science of Star Wars exhibit, and I turned into an 11 year old girl. The high points for me were seeing Luke’s speeder, R2D2, Yoda, and the model ships.  I think the HLP even had fun, even if it was mostly just laughing at me.  We also went on the simulated Millennium Falcon, which was really well done but way too short. After a quick run through the butterfly house (still kinda terrifying), we hopped the monorail and lightrail back down to the area near King Street Station. That was where we made our disappointing trek uphill in the rain for nothing. We ended up having really yummy Thai food with hot Thai tea, and that almost made up for it.

We’ve agreed we need to make more small trips like that. It’s just a bummer our weekends don’t line up. (The HLP had Sunday and Monday, and I have Saturday and Sunday.) Of course, it will be a while before I can afford it. That is the second trip so far this year, and I’m off to see the family in Michigan in June, then Cincinnati in August, then Robin and I are back off to the Gay Days at Disneyland in October. Fun, fun, fun.
Oh, and happy Star Wars Day!  May the Fourth be with you!

geekery, hlp, seattle, star wars

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