Happy Winter Solstice Everyone

Dec 21, 2010 11:05

I don’t make much of a fuss for the Solstice these days, but it’s the only holiday I celebrate at this time of year, and it just so happens that I currently work with a couple other people who celebrate the Solstice as well. With that in mind, we decided to have our “holiday” party today. (Our office is now filled with a disgusting amount of food that I will almost certainly make myself sick eating all day.)

The other day, one of the attorneys from another unit was questioning why we’re having our celebration so early in the week, and I tried to explain the concept of the Winter Solstice to him. He wasn’t really getting it, but seemed willing to listen. Then, a couple hours later, I got the following email.

“Since you told me that there aren’t any Solstice carols and that makes me sad,

The Solstice Song

Winter Solstice! Winter Solstice!
-Shortest day of the year.
Winter Solstice! Winter Solstice!
-Devoid of much cheer.

Let's all gather around
And sit by the fire.
Gloom will abound.
Stuck in Winter's cold mire.

No simple carols,
With lyrics so cheery.
Let's celebrate peril,
And times that are dreary.

Winter Solstice! Winter Solstice!
-We wish you good riddance.
Winter Solstice! Winter Solstice!
-Here's to Spring's bright appearance!

Huddle together,
Let's get through the night.
To times that are better,
And filled with less fright.“

This morning, he came back to our unit and performed the song for us. It’s sung with the standard bright and quick melody of other holiday carols. Obviously, he still doesn’t get the point, but I give him lots of credit for trying. I’ll take what acceptance I can get. Plus, it’s pretty funny.


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