Better Than a Smack on the Ass

Jun 04, 2010 11:41

After coming to the rescue of one of our attorneys (again), a detective meeting with him said, "Gee, I wish I had an assistant as pretty as yours to help me out."  Then, after I gave him the document that the attorney was struggling to print out, he said, "Thanks, baby."  I was laughing at the time, because I really didn't care.

I still don't care.  I thought it was funny, and I know he was trying to be funny.  But some of the people who overheard it don't think it was funny.  I've already been apologized to twice and a co-worker expressed her dismay that I didn't "stand up to him".

Look, if I'm not bothered or offended, you don't get to be bothered or offended on my behalf.  Get over it.


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