May 19, 2008 18:40
glick, you know about the first 2 scenarios. and anu too, unfortunately.
god i love ya 476 coney is., but your killin me here!
i like to shit, really i do. and if you cant handle hearing me say that then you shouldn't be reading my journal. and i HATE not being able to because of our dysfunktional toilet!
also, i like to keep my shit in the toilet and not on my counters (here's where you should listen up, mice). so please, PLEASE eat my poisonous peanut butter and just disappear already!
oh city life, with your city ways, in a city summer.
why do i live here again?
oh yeah coz the love of my life does.
and now the question, why am i such a knucklehead?
well, i got promoted. did i? no, i didn't because i didn't get an increase in salary, i just took on more responsibilities and got a new desk. i guess i can kiss my reception days good bye. now i am a true slave, i mean admin, to hoighty toighty big shots that need me to do their expense reports and book their travel arrangements. at least they all know how to wipe their own asses! (i hope...)
today was my first day as an admin. it sucked. but it was mainly because my new desk wasn't ready, so i was a loafer. ill get the hang of it. and maybe some day ill get that compensation they failed to give me. it's like did i really get promoted if i didn't get a raise? everyone (old people) keeps telling me that it's a great opportunity, etc, higher position, good for resume, looks good if i do a stellar job. but i just pray i dont get taken advantage of (more than i already have) and get an awesome raise come performance review time.
the immediate perks (so ya'll dont think im crazy and took this job without ANY perks):
1) i now work an official 9-5 (as opposed to the normal 8:30-5 i've been doing)
2) that's an extra 2.5 hrs of sleep a week!
3) my new cub/desk is TOTALLY TITS private
4) no more waiting for some co-worker to relieve me so i can go to lunch. no i can go whenever i want, on my own time, and not have to worry about getting back in exactly an hour.
okay okay, im a fucking sucker.
someone make me smile, please.