Oct 01, 2006 17:38
That kind of bums me out because I had a lot of fun this weekend. Linz and I went to the mini-retreat on Friday night and it was fun. I met some cool new people and the atmosphere there was just very pleasant. :) Then, Saturday morning Linz and Ty and I went running and then to Meijer. I got a lot of work done and got to see Ryan on Saturday night, very nice to see him after doing homework all day. This morning I got up, went to church, took a nap, read for sociology (again, why does my two day presentation have to be on sex and culture?) and getting ready to run again with Linz at 6. I hope my smoothie has digested enough for running, I'm a little skeptical.
I can't believe September is over, it's October and that is crazy. I feel like this month looks really busy. I have an algebra test Wednesday, my sociology presentation on the 10th and 12th, an anatomy exam on the 13th and an orgo exam on the 26th (i know, that's a ways away) but I can see them all and it looks a little overwhelming. The good news is, after my sociology presentation I can relax a little in that class until our final projects. Granted, I still have a lot of reading and writing but I won't have to participate in his discussions but rather class discussions and that is more to my liking.
I'm writing a lot today. I guess I should get ready to run...