First post in a loooong time.

May 03, 2010 04:03

I haven't posted here in way past forever. Honestly I kind of forgot that I even had an account. Or that LiveJournal existed. But somehow tonight while putting off studying for my econ final I remembered out of nowhere.

I should really be either studying or sleeping right now but I don't feel like doing either. I've been sleeping a ton lately so I think I can afford to go without, at least until after my exam at 11:00 tomorrow morning. I hope I'm still motivated to go to the gym after that because I need to be a lot better about going consistently. I'm hoping I'll get back in the rhythm of going 5 days a week once school is done for the semester.

Today I didn't do much of anything. I slept on Sof's couch last night because by like 1:00 we were both exhausted and I was too lazy to drive home. So she woke me up today at like 8ish when she left for work and I just went home and slept until like 3:00 in the afternoon. Then I woke up and showered and had planned on having lunch with Evan but he decided at the last minute that he didn't have the money to spend. That just infuriated me because he had to have known when I talked to him an hour before that that he didn't have the money. I don't know why he didn't just tell me that then instead of letting me get all ready to go and then canceling. I just thought, I'm so glad I don't have to deal with this bullshit anymore if I don't want to. But I was pissed for like 10 minutes and had to talk myself out of sending him spiteful text messages, which always seems like a good idea at the time but nearly never is.

I'm actually happy with being single for maybe the first time in my life. I can honestly say that I don't even want a boyfriend right now. That being said, I told my friend Pete that I'd let him buy me dinner tonight (Monday). He's a really great guy but I'm not sure how attracted I am to him. I've already told him that I'm not interested in having a boyfriend for a while. Pete and I have a fairly straightforward relationship and we are both very open and honest with one another so I'm definitely going to make sure that we stay on the same page. I'm don't want to lead anybody on. I have a bad tendency to ignore what a guy looks like when choosing a boyfriend, which doesn't really work out in the end. It's hard to stay interested in someone for a long time if you're don't find them super attractive. Or at least that's been my experience. I hope I don't come off sounding shallow because I definitely value a guy's personality more than anything, but I think I need to start being more discerning when it comes to looks.

Trevor and I texted for a while again tonight. I don't really know what else to say about this. This whole situation is so fucking weird. I wish I thought about this way less.

Speaking of Trevor, Sofranko if you're reading this, do you want to go to the MegaTouch show on Thursday with Carla and me? I think Maggie might be there. I may need backup. Just kidding. But seriously, if you want to come that'd be great. :)

Anyway, I've wasted enough time. Maybe I'll post again soon.
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