Apr 10, 2007 11:07
I checked my answering machine when I got home last night. I finally got the message that I had been waiting to hear for more than a few weeks. It was from Mr. Wiggles's manager, and he was wanting to schedule an interview for the position Mr. Wiggles told me about several weeks ago.
This morning, I called the manager. The first time, I was sent to his voicemail. I left the standard message -- Hi, I'm Ellery Nygma, I'm returning your call, and so forth. About an hour later, just as I was about to go out, I decided to try again. This time, I got the manager. We talked for a minute or so, and scheduled the interview.
Said interview is tomorrow morning, 10.00 AM.
I think I have said this once or twice before, but keep your fingers crossed.