BPAL imps: Gomorrah, Queen of Sheba, Santo Domingo

May 14, 2007 23:37

BPAL's description: One of the Biblical Cities on the Plain, destroyed by God with fire and brimstone because of its people’s pride, prosperous ease, deceit, hedonism and indolence, and their callous, uncharitable hearts. A gritty, sordid and languid scent: ripe fig, date and currant with black herbs.
In the bottle: Eh, I'm getting too much of the black herbs and not enough fruit.
Wet: *cough* Yeah, I'm not liking this at all. Bah.
Drydown: Ok, so I don't hate it. The currant and date (?) notes have come out so those nasty herbs aren't quite as pungent. If it continues to mellow I might be able to work with this. Also, it might be more of an autumn scent.
Conclusion: save and re-test

Queen of Sheba
BPAL's description: [...] Her scent is a bounty of golden honeyed almonds and a whisper of African and Middle Eastern spices.
In the bottle: MMMMOMG that is so. yummy. The almond, the honey, the unnamed spices! Me likey :D
Wet: Boo, the almond ran away. *criez* The spices are more prominant and it sort of took on that sunscreen smell like...that other one that I'm forgetting at the moment.
Drydown: At a distance I'll get an occasional whiff of honey, which is nice, but mostly it's the other weird smell. Gah, at this rate I'm going to end up with lots of room scents and one or two actual perfumes. :\
Conclusion: keep but don't wear

Santo Domingo
BPAL's description: An exotic, sultry blend of tobacco leaf, bay rum and heady Caribbean blossoms.
In the bottle: Hmm...I can't really pick out the individual notes but so far I don't hate it.
Wet: This is a very warm scent and also pretty heavy. I still can't identify specific notes with certainty but I think it may be the tobacco that is most prominent followed (I think) by the rum.
Drydown: Up close it is a thick, heady scent while farther away I'm able to detect the flowery notes better (though it is by no means a flowery scent on the whole). I don't see this as something I'd wear on a regular basis but it would be a possibility wen going to a bar or club.
Conclusion: use imp but don't buy more

bpal, imps

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