Nov 25, 2006 18:59
went to nannas today. got some fabric. well good. nearly died on the way home.
quiz like.
Q1) Do you snore?
like a beast apparantly.
Q2) Are you a lover or a fighter?
er get fucked.
Q3) What's your worst fear?
SLUGS. spiders.
Q4) As a kid, were you a Lego Maniac?
Q5) What do you think of "REALITY" TV?
well i do try to avoid it.
Q6) Do you chew your straws?
am i a window licker?
Q7) Were you a cute baby?
obv. but all other babies are disgusting.
Q8) Is the single life for you?
well. at the moment yes because my sewing machine is more important than men. haha.
Q9) What color is your keyboard?
whiiite.. with a grey trim. haha.
Q10) Do you sing in the shower?
Q11) Have you ever bungee jumped?
nah mate. i'd consider it though.
Q12) Any secret talents?
Q13) What's your ideal vacation spot?
we dont go on holiday. the furthest i go is peterborough.
Q14) Is Jay Leno funny?
Q15) Can you swim?
yeh thanks.
Q16) Have you seen the movie "Donnie Darko"?
Q17) Do you give a damn about the ozone?
well a bit like. but i'm not going to turn my heating down JUST ONE DEGREE.
Q18) How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?
if you do know you're pretty sad. and american. haha.
Q19) Can you sing the alphabet backwards?
i've not specifically tried. it'd be hard though.
Q20) Have you ever been on an airplane?
Q21) Are you an only child?
nah mate.
Q22) Do you prefer electric or manual pencil sharpener?
Q23) Do you give a damn about the Ozone?
see above.
Q24) What's your stand on hunting?
"i'm not down with that yo"
Q25) Is marriage in your future?
one day
Q26) Do you like your handwriting?
yeah because its well good.
Q27) What are you allergic to?
dust. animals. pollen. how mainstream. i want to be alergic to CELERY.
Q28) Is Elvis still alive?
who cares.
Q29) Do you cry at weddings?
never been to one.
Q30) How do you like your eggs?
i went through an omlette stage. i'm over it.
Q31) Are blondes dumb?
Q32) Where does the other sock end up?
i dont wear socks.
Q33) What time is it?
Q34) Do you have a nickname?
sam. two slice.
Q35) Is Mcdonalds disgusting?
Q36) When was the last time you were in a car?
Q37) Do you prefer baths or showers?
i like a bit of both.
Q38) Is Santa Claus real?
Q39) Do you like to have your neck kissed?
er no complaints.. but i wouldn't beg for it.
Q40) Are you afraid of the dark?
rarely. not in my bedroom like. just in an alleyway with no lights etc.
Q41) What are you addicted to?
coke. snort snort.
Q42) Crunchy or creamy peanut butter?
not a fucking chance mate.
Q43) Can you crack your neck?
Q44) Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?
Q45) How many times have you brushed your teeth today?
Q46) Is drug free the way to be?
Q47) Are you a heavy sleeper?
not realllly.
Q48) What color are your eyes?
Q49) Do you like your life?
Q50) Who's better?
me obv.
Q51) Are you Pyschic?
er no.
Q52) Have you read "Catcher in the Rye"?
Q53) Do you play any instruments?
used to play the clarinet. recorder. cornet. gave it all up.
Q54) Have you ever stolen money?
i wish.
Q55) Can you snowboard?
no and i dont want to. cold.
Q56) Do you like camping?
no. slugs. spiders.
Q57) Do you snort when you laugh?
Q58) Do you believe in magic?
Q59) Are dogs a man's best friend?
Q60) You believe in divorce?
yes. but then i wouldn't marry a dickhead.
Q61) Can you do the moonwalk?
no. and who wants to look like that twat anywho.
Q62) Do you make alot of mistakes?
Q63) Is it cold outside today?
its freezing.
Q64) What was the last thing you ate?
beans on toast. well good.
Q65) Do you wear nail polish?
not a lot.. although i have some on at the minute.
Q66) Have you ever been kissed?
ehhhe NO.
Q67) Whats the most annoying tv commercial?
that woman that does iceland adverts has really lowered herself.
Q68) Do you shop at american eagle?
who would.
Q69) Favorite song at the moment?
dont like music.
Q70) Who was the last person you talked to?