Oct 15, 2006 18:12
well. friday night was joseys party.
me, maxine and josey went to asda to get the supplies in. and we got coke, garlic bread.. which josey burnt. and magic stars, twix's, crisps. i ate all of the salt and vinegar things, because they're my favourite. i bought ice cream, sexy. ben and jerrys.. double size tub. only £2. and its dime bar with vanilla ice cream. omg. got loads of alcohol too. josey didn't even get ID'd.
so everyone turned up. got drunk. lucys boyfriend turned up... fucking hell. might have accidently shown a bit too much interest in him. nevermind. i had a few drinks, wasn't drunk though. me and maxine well wanted to go to bed, people kept coming in. annoying. then the 30 year old twat that lives there decided to play seriously loud music at like half 2. couldn't hack it. eventually josey managed to get him to turn it off.
went down in the morning.. tidied up like a beast. thrashed my way home, once i'd completed a PRO three point turn. driving at 7am is amazing. no one is on the roads. super.
drove all the way to woburn. 180 miles in total. not including coming back from ips. proper worn out. went to petes saturday night, well borrowed some porn. haha. today i went to see nanna. shes fine. made us beans on toast for lunch.
tomorrow is the last day of 3-D. super. but that also means i need to finish my work. its cool though. just need to make some sheep and glue it all together.
well going to joseys for a dinner date tomorrow with maxine. and obv josey. got us some porn. had a preview earlier, without the sound.. seems alright. haha.
er yeah thats it.