A bowl of mincing idiots... mmm, nutty.

Jun 25, 2007 23:33


Here is an organization for asexuals so that they can get together and talk about how much they're not interested in sex! What? Couldn't one spend his or her time discussing things of interest? Well, I guess asexuality is pretty misunderstood, it's not that bad of an idea for these people to gather and discuss what doesn't matter to them, right?
My confusion on that issue aside, here's what really pisses me off: people on the forums, instead of trying to remedy the situation, do nothing but bitch and moan about how misunderstood they are. They say they don't understand why people don't "get" asexuality! Here's a clue: if you lack one of the strongest urges that a human being is supposed to have, and base your identity around it, maybe you'll be met with a raised eyebrow or two. YOU DON'T EXPECT THAT? How about trying to raise awareness or something? Maybe you can come up with a new name that doesn't make you sound like you reproduce by budding, too! Imagine that!
Also, always with the gigantic persecution complexes and comparison to homosexuals. "Oh no, we are persecuted, just like the gays! People sometimes speak condescendingly to us, just like the gays! Our dudes don't like boobs, just like the gays!" Now, I have to say here, asexuals don't have it nearly as bad as the gays do. Yes, maybe people can be a bit annoying and prying at times, but that's nothing. If someone says, "Oh, you just haven't found the right person yet," although annoying, it's not nearly as bad as, "You will burn in hell, you dirty sodomite!". Maybe they confuse some people, but that's not the same thing as a large number of people being openly disdainful and sometimes violent to them for no good reason.

To conclude, you all should check out the forums on that site, they're a real hoot.
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