The Bathtub Dilemma

Dec 03, 2007 09:10

I'm going to take 2.3 minutes before diving into mountain of work and mess in my office to write about parenting mega-dilemma because this is definitely one of those I Need Perspective situations.  You don't need to be a parent to participate.

Kiddo #1 and Kiddo #2 have for their whole lives together taken a joint bath at night, and it has never been any kind of a big deal, and probably still isn't.  Lately, however, they've been getting into a certain amount of joint body exploration, which also has not seemed like a big deal to me.  It seems natural to be curious, but I'm wondering where to draw the line.

Yesterday there was a great deal of giggling and yelling going on in the bathroom so I checked on them.  Kiddo #2 (4 years old) had his finger ready to go inside Kiddo #1, while she simultaneously was giving him a foot job of sorts, and both were enjoying the attention immensely.  Walking in on this clearly triggered something inside of me and I yelled at them to stop it, made them get out of the tub, and said that they'd probably not take baths together anymore.  This, I think, was a complete parental over-reaction that I realize was likely based in my own issues.  I'm not a prude, but there are boundaries.  I've talked with my daughter in the past about these boundaries, and she's getting older now so it becomes much more important that she become more aware of how to recognize and honor them.  But in many ways she doesn't and feels like it is a game and I'm not serious, especially when it comes to playing around with her brother.

I'd like to have an appropriate (if there is such a thing) reaction to this, and I certainly don't want to ban my children from taking baths together.  I've no difficulties with ways in which they might want to explore their own bodies, but am not sure where their playful encounters with each other should end, and how to deal with that.  Please advise.


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