I was going to do the
Friday Five for this week, but it consisted of questions I can't and/or refuse to answer. Rarely does that ever happen but, anyway.
Thank God it's Friday! This week has been a long and grueling sentence in Hell for me. Yesterday and today were especially tough. I had to see two doctors in a matter of two days while also running errands. Today was particularly tough. I woke up at 8:30, left the house at nine, went with mom and Liam to the school to get some paper work done, went home to drop Liam off, went to Kensington to see my psychiatrist, drove from Kensington to Annapolis (just barely missing rushing hour), had some lab work done, filled perscriptions, went to pick up mom's suit from the store, bought some books, and then I helped mom cook dinner. The two of us were exhausted once all was said and done.
These past two days have also been emotionally draining. Although right now, I am doing something that will hopefully change all that. Granted, it will takes a lot of time and patience, but it will be worth it in the end. I just know things will work out eventually. I just have to keep reminding myself of that.