
Apr 15, 2012 21:25

The Welsh dragon has a second leg. :)

I've gotten very good at rearranging furniture. I keep doing it. Eventually, it will come to rest. I hope.

Thanks to MD and Amy T for weeding -- especially the ton of peppercress which I've always thought of as a noxious weed (as does everyone else I know) but apparently, like dandelion, it can be eaten!  Peppercress salad.  I'm not sure that makes it less noxious. Nice to know I can take out my vengeance with a bite.

Or is great as varina8 reports. Well worth going.

While I don't know that I'd say the Gauguin exhibit was great, it was enjoyable and I really like that they included examples of Polynesian art. I did not like the loud guy who was leading a tour and taking way too long going through the exhibit. But that inconvenient annoyance aside, it was well worth going to see. I got into a conversation later about whether or not I think Gauguin is a great master. I do not -- but that doesn't mean that he isn't important because, clearly, he is. What Gauguin had, imo, was a strong, unique vision that linked two very different artistic periods. He is a vital connection. Some of his paintings are wonderful and I enjoy his use of color and bold lines and I was very glad to have seen the exhibition.

I'm having a hard time with music. I've never been very musical. Mark loved music, and right now I don't listen to any music. I'm afraid of being ambushed by what I hear. Hopefully this will eventually go away. Right now, music is very difficult for me. It's such an important part of life I hope that I recover. I suspect it may be awhile. I'm OK with movies.

Writing is happening. It's slow, slower than I would like. I'm doing something a little different which is making it slow but I also think making it better and improving my voice. I'll write more about that later but in the meantime, I am writing.

the new 2012

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