Archeology in the cruelest month

Apr 14, 2012 21:18

Oh to be in Alexandria. Four lovely new tombs found.

Ongoing discoveries at Herculea Lyncestis in Macedonia. Founded by Philip II, this site is magnificent. They are looking for field workers for the 2012 season. What fun that would be!

Rune comb -- Lovely photo.

Blond woolly mammoth -- killed by lions, stolen by humans. Wonderfully preserved carcass, fabulous short video. Its long blond hair is amazing!

Rare pink granite sarcophagus of Queen Behenu uncovered in Egypt.

Ancient Phoenician Port -- also looking for field volunteers. What a beautiful site!

Civil War dead number underestimated. This is so sombre. What a terrible time this was.

And on BBC2, my favorite classics professor, Mary Beard, has a TV show -- Meet the Romans.

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Cook like an ancient Roman and why stop there? Ancient Mesopotamia Cook off.  I now want to do both these!


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