Against Mayans in Georgia

Dec 29, 2011 08:58

This blog by post-doc candidate Johan Normark is the first commentary I've found (so far) from someone in the field and not (like me) a fascinated archeo observer.  His basis for disagreement is essentially linguistic. And, while I somewhat disagree with his theory that travel would be difficult -- there were pre-existing trade routes and again, people immediately go to land travel while I continue to think water travel would be easier and more logical for the southern regions. Without proof one way or the either, it's just idle speculation. Or the stuff of fiction. :)

However, any mention of someone involved with the whole 2012 ridiculosity gives me the immediate heebie-jeebies. Oh how yucky!

There may be something out there by other respected persons in the field, and I've just missed it. So far, most of the passionate chit-chat is in the blogosphere.


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