Archeology during Saturnalia

Dec 18, 2011 10:57

Top Ten Archeology Discoveries

Viking grave with treasure. A good reminder that young men always died in battle. Fortunately, they no longer have women sacrificed to go with them.

Medieval brooches classified as treasure. One silver boar brooch, likely commemorating Richard III. The other a silver stag's head. Good photos.

Re-examining the psychology of medieval battle texts. Interesting take illuminated by modern psychology.

Jane's house at Steventon discovered.

Cockerel figurine in child's grave may provide insight to British Roman traditions.

Historic Iware Pond, where Emperor Yomei had a palace, has been found and is under excavation.\

Who is buried in King Magnus tomb? Swedish king's son erected monument over wrong grave. Heh.

Romans built Londinium using British slave labor. Slave skeletons found along the lost Walbrook river.

The Burgundian Jacquin family. It's rise and fall as told by archeology. Nice essay.

Saudi Arabia's Stonehenge. Oldest monument on the peninsula, possibly with an astronomical purpose.

Archaeologists dig to the original offerings at the heart of Teotihuacan.

Preliminary excavation of Isos, in Turkey. How exciting this will be!

Metal detectorist finds silver hoard, evidence for new Viking king. Lovely photos.

3,600 year old palace found in China.

How elephants affected human evolution.

Roman forum in Albania. Sounds like they have found some beautiful things.

Returning to Gotland: Archaeologists investigate the site of the largest silver Viking hoards. Good article, great photos.

Is the Lion Man a woman?  Or perhaps a hermaphrodite?

Beautifully preserved Bronze-Age boats demonstrate early Britons water craft. Wonderful article, fantastic site. This is an extraordinary find. More on this incredible find.

Paleoclimate record points toward rapid climate change. I look forward to our house becoming beach front property.

Curse tablets. You can't help but wonder what these people did to be so hated.

Finding, and losing, Philippolis. Discovered while digging a pipe, this amazing site will be preserved on film since it can't stand in the way of progress.

Mysterious Jerusalem carvings. Are they inscriptions? Are they slots for structures? Nothing in the Holy City is simple.

Pendle Witch cottage uncovered, complete with mummified cat. Simply amazing. I didn't know who the Pendle Witches were either.

The secret of Roman cement. Why their buildings still stand.

Roman murder. Very cool, well, cool for us now. Probably not cool for the murder victims. But interesting...

Study to fill in the gaps on the slave trade.  No, it probably won't be comfortable. But that doesn't mean it isn't important.


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