OMG, I'm doing the Clarion West Write-a-thon

Jun 19, 2011 19:20

So far so good.  Today I've outlined a short story and written a couple of scenes. That was an hour and 40 minutes. 1,600 words (not counting the outlining).  I'm more interested in the time spent than the word count, although I will report on both since that seems to be the thing to do.

Just like the rest of life, commitment is scary. Ultimately, however, it's a good thing.

The primary purpose, of course, is to benefit Clarion West.  So I'm borrowing a bit from scarlettina and making the offer below.

If you sponsor me for at least $5.00 (the link goes to my sponsorship page) and leave a comment here saying you've done so, I'll write a piece of flash fiction that takes as its inspiration a turn of phrase from a recent LJ entry of yours, or possibly from your LJ name if it's an interesting or creative one. (For my Facebook friends, I'll take inspiration from a recent post of yours over there on FB.) I'll send it to you privately but I may also submit it for publication elsewhere. I'll write it either when I'm done with this current short story, or during the six week Clarion West run, whichever strikes my fancy, but no later than after the short story is done.

Butterflies blanketed the trees. Sluggish wings spread a blue haze. The jungle reeked of fermenting fruit. That was what had lured the insects. Martin licked sweat from his upper lip.  A morpho of a celestial blue quivered drunkenly on a aguajé palm tree beside him. It looked like it had a six inch wingspan.  Martin tugged it free. With gentle deliberateness he crushed the black thorax, taking his time. The fragile body trembled. He applied a touch more pressure, not enough to split it open, just enough to crush the insides. He waited for it to die.  The morpho’s wings spasmed. Once it was still, Martin folded it so that the brilliant, glassy color was protected by the somber brown underwings before sliding it into a glassine envelope. This was going to be great.

writing, write-a-thon

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