Mar 30, 2005 22:53
wow... i realize when i just look at people... and listen to them in every sort of way thats possible... that then and only then can i see people for who they are... cause sometimes it seems like its too hard for people to present their true selves to you ...
why does it always seem that people have to maek excuses for every little thing they can't do... some people are just excuse generators...
well... sometimes i can't tell if i'm being a "bad" friend and i think people always wanna put the blame on someone.. is it possible to be a "bad" friend.... i mean you can really only be yourself self... by assuming that someone is a "bad" friend because they are too needy or get an attitude at the drop of a hat or w/e maybe the case maybe you should let them be or... on contrary maybe you should pull them out of the crowd and ask them whats wrong... no one is perfect don't assume you are...
i hate when people don't try at things but at the end will always say why they couldn't try what was stopping them from doing what was important... that they were too busy to do one thing because some BS reason that they try to make important... wtf is that...
man i feel like i'm smokin right now... with all this philsophical stuff... hmmm... theres alot of stuff going on in my life right now and i just fel like i'm drifting close to some people and further from others... i've been meeting a lot of new people and what i've noticed is like by meeting people you learn to see what you like in people.. and of course the opposition...
although its not neccessarily a bad thing that i'm drifting further or closer to some people more than others... ya know i think that every friend should be kept at an equal distance away from you and close to you so that you never have any complications.... but then who would know true friendship... :/