Happy FRICKIN Valentines Day!!

Feb 15, 2005 19:02

haha a day late but nevertheless HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!! HAHA well... i didn't have a valentines till like 8:00 last night... and it was really sweet soo.. today something pretty strange with rej happened for the good thats all i'm sayin haha ... cause too many weird people read this thing... *wink wink* (cough*stephanie*cough*hovo*cough) lol... so anyways yea my valentine was this guy eric who i'm kinda talkin to now... i guess... w/e... hopefully he'll come to my party but we'll see oh about the party thing... as of today we still do not have a place to have the party lmao...

so if anyone knows anyone that might potentially let us use their house then fo shizzle hit me up haha... well technically everyone's invited so if i haven't formally invited you... please do not be offended... pleeeze!!! so many people have come up to me and said oh so did you wanna invite me somewhere... lol... yea i know real subtle... well.. everyone better pray Harut's mommy let's us have the party or she goes out of town too... haha... soo... that would be kewl if you could bring drinks but if not just bring your bodies and your friends and a gift haha since it is me and nicoles b-day!! money is fine :-D...

today there was alot of drama with K* and N* it was weird sometimes i dunno i think someone has some deeper issues about the whole thing which cause this person to bring up every single little annoyance at the drop of a hat... but anyways enough of that drama...

goose... i want you to know you have very soft lips... hehe they're nice!! haha GO GOOSE!!! haha... so yea i got the best hug today and it made me feel special you know when someone calls your name out and it sounds like they feel sad that you forgot about them... and it makes you feel wanted... :-D...

i started my french 2 class on monday of last week and it is REALLY different not being in class with emily or anyone else i know... its just different cause i feel like i'm alo but not really alone just that now if i fuck up and don't do my hw oh fuckin well big deal no excuses pour moi!! haha i had to throw a little french in there... the teacher is really nice but she is kind of a sourpuss haha i'm not exactly sure what that is but i think it describes her well... pour example... if you need to go to the bathroom she will let you go but she doesn't like for you to get up and leave the class and she makes faces if you leave or disrupt her during the class she will also talk shit about you behind your back as natalie and lousine so got the benefit of dealing wit hlast semester... oh well... i guess she's not the best person to be representing the french but then again who is???

gosh i'm so overwhelmed right now... i talked to ohan today and he said i should ask nicole shots if i can have the party at her house but i don't really know her that well and i don't know if she'd go for it... i'm really hopin that Harut comes through... that would be so good...oh and if anyone needs to reach me for any reason be sure to call me and if you don't have my number just leave me a comment on here and i'll give it to you...

"First we came here to set this party off right
Let's bounce tonight
And if they don't let us in through the front
We'll come through the side
Cuz i don't ever wanna leave the game without
At least saying goodbye
So all my people on the left, all my people on the right
Scream one last time"

-Eminem Encore/Curtains down

"You kow what the movements like
You know how movin', right
Move, cause we in the mood to fight
This is that get crunk move bitch
Get drunk stupid
Hot like steaks, .45 on waist"

- Jim Jones Crunk Muzik

ok those are two of the songs that i am currently in love with lol...


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