May 06, 2006 09:01
I will pick it up from you on Monday or Tuesday Mark! But before then, I must write my stupid english pepa!!!!
This was the worst Cinco de Mayo in history. I wake up, my throat is sore, my nose is runny, and I have a headache. I get out of bed and I feel a pinch in the small of my back and my left hip. My whole body is sore and on top of that my ear is swollen. So I eat a bagel for breakas and munch on a layer of BJ's because it is sooo good (mind you this isat 11am). I head to the skool because Friday was our last cloub meeting. Good anime was watched by all. I shake my fist at Mark for bringing XXX Holic when he knows no one would like it!!!! *shakes fist* I enjoyed the half dog half human anime, like InuKami and uhh, that other one he showed. I so squeed over the cuteness ^-^ I was so dreadfully fatigued and my head hurt all through noon time. I almost collapsed when I tried to stand around 1pm. So I called my mum and asked her to come get me and take me to my chiropractor because my body hurt so very. He got so many pops and cracks out of my neck and hips and back. It felt so good. Once I got back into the car, my stomach began to hurt, BAD. When I finally got home, I layed down, took my temp. 102.8! Bad news. So I remained in bed, miserable, and in so much pain I couldn't get up to take fever meds until Cody scolded me. He eventually came over and took care of me. An hour later my tummy felt better and my fever was at 100.2. Much better.
So my night sucked donkey and I'll be forever pissed about it. My temps at 99.something now so I'm not so worried. I'm still coming into work late because I still feel ill and I want to make sure I dont get any worse. I want to bribe Cody into just hanging out at work with me until I am off :/ So, I hope everything goes well.
Well, my vacation is about a month away. I am so uber mad about my wieght gain. I do think I put on all the pounds I lost in the previous year. God just wants to punish me. Hoepfully with this semester ending I can find time to jog and work out a bit more. I need to find a cute bathing suit for Hawaii. I can't wait to go. My sis and I are the only people in my family who have never gone. I wonder how bored I'm going to be. Cody would like me to find Toys and Joys I'm guessing. I'll be leaving June 22 I think, and I wont be back in Sac until July 5. Ill be in Hawaii till the July 2, and spend 2 days at AX. That is a lot of time off but it is worth it ne?
Well i am off to rest myself a bit more. Oh, and I have to wash Cody's laundry hehe.