I went to the Flea Market with my mom today and bought that and a book behind the cut.
I never realized how many Hustles there were:
There is the line dances: The L.A. Hustle (Bust Stop), The Hollywood Line Hustle, and…get this….The Lust Hustle. Plus the partner disco dances (his and hers): Simple Partner Hustle, Continental Hustle, Latin-Swing Hustle, Latin Hustle (Cha Cha Cha Variation) and Latin Hustle (Kick Variation).
Plus there is the ultra cool Special K (and the Disco Dynosoar, but I didn’t take a picture of that yet):
They even give you song recommendations like for The Special K you should use You Make Me Feel Like Dancin’ by Leo Sayer.
Ooh and I made this for Spanish I: