(no subject)

Oct 19, 2010 22:28

Title: Young Avengers Playlist Drabbles
Rating: PG through R
Fandom: Young Avengers
Characters: The whole team
Summary: Okay. This was the result of a little meme kinda game. Basically...you pick a character, pairing, or fandom (I went with Young Avengers)...then you set your music player on random. Each song that comes up, you have to write a short little drabble related to the song and chosen subjects. When the song ends, finish your sentence and move onto the next one till you have ten. So here are my ten.
Warnings: Implied man-on-man-naughtiness and language. Beware it.

1) "Still Alive" from Portal

“Billy, what’s wrong?” Teddy asked in a slightly amused tone when his boyfriend dropped down onto the couch next to him with the most adorable pout.

“Dr. Pym says he won’t make a portal gun for me,” Billy answered.

Teddy blinked a few times before laughing and reaching over to give the mage a peck on the cheek.

“I guess you’ll just have to stick to the Orange Box until Portal 2 comes out.”

2) "Night of Fire" by Initial D

Teddy frowned as he looked into the mirror. He ran the comb through his hair several more times before just giving up and shapeshifting until his hair was how he wanted it.

“Aren’t you two ready yet?” Eli asked from the doorway. Teddy looked up and then looked his team leader over. Light colored pants, a button up shirt with the top several buttons open. The alien hybrid gave his nod of approval.

“Almost, Eli,” Teddy remarked, gesturing towards the bathroom door slightly. Eli just rolled his eyes.

“Between you two, Kate, and Cassie I don’t know who’s taking longer for this,” Eli said in that annoyed tone that the team had figured out meant that he wasn’t really annoyed.

Before Teddy could offer a witty reply, Billy stepped out into the room.

“Okay, I’m ready,” Billy paused when he saw Eli and Teddy just staring at him.

Tight black pants that left precious little to the imagination. A dark mesh, sleeveless shirt that showed off Billy’s developing muscles. A collar Teddy was only used to seeing if Billy was in a VERY kinky mood. And the cape. That tattered red cape around his shoulders. Eli started laughing and Teddy just smiled.

“Bill…the cape…” Teddy began.

“What? It looks cool!” Billy protested. “Besides, I need something to keep me warm in this shirt.”

3) "Fly in the Freedom" from the Sonic Adventure 2 OST

“I can not believe we just did that,” Billy repeated for what had to be the hundredth time, resting his head against Teddy’s bare chest. The shapeshifter pulled Billy’s cape around them both, not really caring that it was suddenly a lot bigger than it was when his boyfriend wore it. He smirked and glanced at the clouds floating by them and then nuzzled against Billy’s hair again.

“I can,” he remarked, silently glad they were too high up to be seen.

“Do you think the Mile High Club thing counts if we weren’t actually in a plane when we did it?” Billy asked idly.

“If not, let’s borrow a Quinjet and make it official.”

4) "Catch 22" fro the Bleach OST

It was a good thing Teddy was just a Hulkling and not a part of that gamma enhanced family. Things started when Billy came home with a black eye and bloody nose. After finding out from Cassie what happened, Teddy very calmly went to deal with things.

He followed the other teen as he left his job. The shapeshifter stayed a few booths away when his prey stopped at a White Castle for burgers and fries with people from school. It was shortly after that when Teddy pounced. He grabbed the larger at the time young man and dragged him into an alley rather easily. It was a short trip to where they were now.

“So, do I have your word you’re going to leave him alone?” Hulkling asked coldly, arm outstretched. He had a grip on the ankle of John Kessler and was holding him upside down over the edge of a rather tall building. “Because if you don’t I will be angry. I you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.”

5) "With Me~Massive Power Remix" by Crush 40

Teddy blinked, staring up at the ceiling of his bedroom. The sleep-muddled shapeshifter took a moment for his mind to make sense of what he was feeling. A body curled up against his left side and another against his right. Slowly, he peeked down and nodded when he confirmed that one of those bodies was Billy sleeping soundly. He turned his gaze slowly to the other side and was a bit confused by the sight of white hair atop a face so like Billy’s.

“Tommy?” Teddy asked quietly. He got a tired grunt in reply.

“Why are you…in our bed and…on me?” the shapeshifter asked slowly.

“Heater’s broken…warm here,” Tommy grumbled against Teddy’s skin, the blond shivering slightly from the feel of the speedster’s breath.

“Okay,” Teddy took a breath, his brain slowly catching up. “You do know both Billy and I are naked, right?”

“I am too. Shut up and sleep,” Tommy grunted before squirming into a more comfortable position. Teddy blinked several more times before shrugging. He worked an arm around Tommy like he had around Billy and tried to get back to sleep.

6) "Leather Pants" by LittleKuriboh

“Wh-aaah!” Teddy yelped as he found himself suddenly yanked out of the hallway by the arm. He didn’t hear the door close, too busy focusing on not falling over.

“Kate? What’re yo-“ Teddy was cut off by Kate holding up a hand.

“We need a favor,” she began. “I bought Eli a little something and I got the size a bit wrong and now he’s stuck…” Kate trailed off, Teddy’s eyes going wide.

“I didn’t know you two were so k-“ Teddy got cut off again.

“Finish that sentence and I am shield-bashing you, Altman,” Eli barked from behind Teddy. The shapeshifter turned to find a shirtless Eli in a pair of leather pants that seemed to be practically painted on. Teddy laughed, his amusement enhanced by the annoyed blush on the team leader’s face.

“Knock off the laughing and help me get Eli’s pants off,” Kate, doing her best to keep a serious expression despite her own slightly tinted pink cheeks. Teddy just laughed harder, holding his sides.

“If you’re not going to help, get out,” Eli snapped. Eventually Teddy calmed down and nodded.

“Alright, alright…” he barely held in the snicker. “Just lay down and we’ll get you free of the pants.”

7) "LookAlike" by Unknown

“I didn’t know you wanted into my pants, Billy. Whatever will your alien invader say?” Tommy drawled.

Billy froze and turned around, mortified expression on his face. Tommy just smirked. His twin was wearing his costume. Tommy smirked as he leaned against the doorframe, watching Billy try to come up with something to say. Other than the black hair instead of Tommy’s white, Billy really did look like Speed. Tommy would never admit it of course, at least not openly. Eventually, Billy sighed.

“I can at least see why you have the crotch arrow now,” Billy offered. “If it’s sticking out this much, might as well point to it.”

Tommy rolled his eyes and smirked. “Finally, someone sees the light!” Tommy declared, joking as he shook his hands to the sky. “Now are you going to give me my costume back or do I have to come take it off you?”

8) "Hero's Comeback" by nobodyknows+

Everyone was rather surprised when an energy blast lanced across the room and sent Scorpion smashing through the wall. Teddy capitalized on the distraction and delivered a solid haymaker to the Rhino, sending him sprawling. He then looked over to see where the blast had come from and his eyes went wide.

“Nate?!” Teddy exclaimed.

Iron Lad nodded, flashing a quick smile to Teddy. He missed the shapeshifter exchanging worried glances with Hawkeye and Vision. The armor-clad hero turned his palms towards the Vulture and blasted him out of the sky before flying forward to catch the falling, unconscious Speed.

“Stay away from my team.”

9) "Driving with the top down" by Ramin Djawadi

“Hey! Knock that off back there,” Eli reached back to bat at Billy and Teddy, never taking his eyes off the road. Billy went red and pulled back from Teddy, ending their little make out session. Tommy just laughed.

“Sorry, couldn’t resist,” Teddy said, not letting Billy get far. He slipped an arm around the mage’s shoulders and looked at the road zipping by.

“Oh, Eli’s just jealous he’s not getting any,” Tommy remarked, earning a death glare from Eli. “Who knew Rogers had a better ride than Stark,” Tommy remarked, closing his eyes and just feeling the wind.

They all kept up the silence as they cruised down the road in Steve Rogers’ convertible, top down as they enjoyed the night air. The silence didn’t last long.

“Alright, pull over and get your ass out of my seat. My turn to drive,” Tommy declared, shoving Eli’s shoulder. Billy sighed and snuggled in closer to Teddy as the two in the front seats started arguing. Teddy frowned with concern as the car swerved a few times, thankful the road was deserted.

“Babe?” Teddy asked softly. Billy glanced up and smiled, eyes flashing blue. While Eli was distracted, Billy’s powers directed the car to pull over behind a billboard. By the time the engine was turned off, Eli had leaned over and was half-wrestling with Tommy.

Billy watched with amusement, shaking his head as Tommy turned the fighting into a sudden angry make out session with Eli. He was never going to get used to that. Before he could break up the little battle, Billy was suddenly pulled into Teddy’s lap. The alien just grinned when Billy looked at him.

“We’re making out in Captain America’s car?” Billy asked.

“Close…more fun that than,” Teddy replied, squeezing Billy’s backside. The mage’s eyes went wide a moment and he quickly used his powers to put the top back up.

10) "Vacation" by Vitamin C

Billy grinned as he popped open a soda and looked across the beach. Kate was stretched out on a beach chair, soaking up the rays. Cassie was nearby building a sand-replica of Avengers mansion with skill that had the mage surprised. The real show was farther down the beach.

A volleyball net was set up. On one side were Eli and Jonas and on the other were Teddy and Tommy. All four were in just bathing suits, Teddy’s showing off a satisfying amount of skin. Billy walked over and sat down in the chair next to Kate’s to watch the game.

“Told you a vacation was a good idea,” Kate spoke up.

“Yeah, definitely,” Billy remarked, watching Teddy set the ball up for Tommy to spike.

“And I also told you I wouldn’t forget the sun screen,” Kate went on.

Billy didn’t reply, too busy bursting into laugher. Tommy had started to gloat too much so Eli yanked down his swim trunks which led to the speedster tackling the team leader to the sand for an impromptu wrestling match.

pg, patriot, hawkeye ii, vision, r, hulkling, marvel, stature, young avengers, wiccan, speed, fanfic, iron lad

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