Lamely titled fic

Sep 26, 2010 02:52

Title: Treat and Trick
Rating: R
Fandom: X-men
Characters: Anole and a couple others make guest appearances.
Summary: Written for a Halloween Challenge
Warnings: Heavily implied man-on-man-naughtiness. Beware it.

“Careful with that, Santo!” Xi’an Coy Manh looked up from her conversation with Victor when she noticed Rockslide carrying a tub of water into the room.

“Don’t bother, he’s too rockheaded to listen,” Victor remarked, opening another box. He and several other students had volunteered to help Xi’an set up a Halloween party for the lower class. Victor’s job wasn’t a complicated one. Since Ms. Frost had vetoed real jack o’lanterns for some readon, Xi’an had bought several inflatable ones. They each had a hole through the center that a glow stuck could be stuck in. So Victor blew up each of the plastic pumpkins and then handed them off to Xi’an for the glow sticks to be placed in.

“So, have you picked out a costume yet, Victor?” Xi’an asked curiously. Victor glanced at his advisor a moment before his attention returned to the balloon he was blowing up. Once it was finished and he closed the little rubber stopper, the green mutant smile.

“Yeah. Going as Hulkling,” Victor replied, popping open another box. “You know, from the Young Avengers.”

“Oh, I think I saw him on the news the other day. Any of your classmates helping to fill out the team?”

“Just Megan. She’s going as Hawkeye,” Victor paused, reaching for a new box and finding none. “Looks like that’s all of them.”

“Are you sure? I’ve got another glow stick…”

Victor frowned and started to look around. He checked under the table and then shrugged. Xi’an frowned.

“Well, one missing is no big deal. Thanks Victor,” she said, patting his shoulder. Victor smiled and started to gather up the empty cardboard boxes, putting the thoughts of the missing inflatable pumpkin out of his mind.

Some time later, Victor started back to his room. The party was all set up and Victor was sure the younger kids would enjoy it. He was planning on spending a bit of time in his room with the book his mother had sent him before getting into costume and heading downstairs to help watch the kids.

When Victor opened the door to his room, he froze on the spot. Once his brain clicked back into working mode, he stepped inside and quickly pulled the door shut.

“Nick! What the hell?!” the lizard teen hissed.

Sitting on his bed was Nick Gleason, aka Wolf Cub. And Nick was naked. He had a wide, fang-bearing smile on his face and his arms were propped behind his head. The missing inflatable pumpkin was located…right on Nick’s crotch. And after taking a closer look, Victor realized that Nick’s rather impressive erection was inserted right where the glowstick should have gone to keep the pumpkin in place.

“What? A sexy, naked werewolf in your bed isn’t a nice Halloween treat?” he asked in a joking tone.

Victor stared, not sure what on earth had gotten into Nick.

“No? Well then how about you come over here and I’ll show you a trick?” Nick spoke up. Part of Victor said to either kick Nick’s ass and toss him out or just leave. Another part of him, the one that he listened to, had him taking off his pants as he started towards the bed.

wolf cub, anole, fanfic, r, marvel

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