Random Fic

Jul 31, 2010 12:47

Title: Sleepover Surprise
Rating: NC-17
Fandom: Young Avengers
Characters: Patriot, Wiccan, Hulkling, and Iron Lad
Summary: A weird fic. The boys spend a weekend at Billy's place where they get a surprise after falling asleep one night. (Written for saphiredwagon as he helped inspire it.
Warnings: There's man-on-man sex within. Also, tentacles. Beware.

When they’d found out Billy’s family was headed out of town for the weekend, Nate decided that the four of them would spend the weekend there. Team bonding, strategy, and generally any kind of training that didn’t require any actual running, flying, or blasting. They all knew it was a sort of break from all the work they’d been doing anyway. The first night was spent in the Kaplan living room, watching movies, and talking about various things. Eventually talk turned to horror movies and soon after, they were all watching some tentacled alien horrors battle random, well muscled action stars. As they were getting into the third film in that particular series, the boys drifted off to sleep.

Some time later, a sharp nudge from a sleeping Eli’s elbow woke Nate. Rubbing his ribs, the time traveling teen looked around and tried to clear the sleep from his eyes with his free hand. The others were all asleep, Billy pretty much on top of Teddy. White the shapeshifter drooled on the Kaplan couch, Billy was mumbling in his sleep. Nate smiled at the image and stood up. He stretched and glanced at the TV to see that it had gone back to the DVD menu. Shrugging, he made his way down to the bathroom.

Once he’d taken care of business there, Nate wandered back into the hallway while adjusting the waistband of his pants. He paused when he noticed a book on the floor. Curious, he reached down and scooped it up. An amused smile crossed his face when he saw it was one of Billy’s ‘Avengers’ comics. Leaning against the wall, he started to thumb through it. He was distracted by the story about the Avengers fighting the Wrecking Crew, getting the idea to run a sort of supervillain drill later for them all.

The sound of something getting knocked over snapped Nate back into the real world and he quickly moved back towards the living room. He cursed softly as his armor was in the same room and hidden in his backpack but he’d hopefully be able to get to it quickly if something was going on.

When he rounded the corner into the living room, Nate found something going on indeed. It was just something he never thought he’d ever see. Eli, shirtless and bound by several thick green tentacles. One of which was plunged into his mouth, effectively gagging the super soldier, and another that seemed to be working it’s way into his pants. A slight glance to the side found an entirely naked Billy in a similar situation, eyes glowing bright blue as if he were using his powers. Nate looked for Teddy and was once more startled by what he found. The big blond seemed to be under a mass of the writhing green tentacles, mostly hidden from view.

Some muffled noises drew Nate’s gaze up to Eli, the super solider’s eyes wide and angry as he struggled in vain. There was a ripping sound as Patriot’s pants and boxers were ripped away. He seemed to be trying to say something to Nate but by the time he realized what it was, it was too late. Nate found himself yanked off the ground by s few of the tendrils that had coiled around his waist. He opened his mouth to say something but found himself gagged the same way his teammates were. It was then that two slightly disturbing facts came to light. The first was that the tentacles were coated with some odd, salty-sweet slime. And the second fact was that the tips seemed to be shaped like penises.

Nate groaned slightly more of those tentacles rose from the mass of them and grabbed his arms. As yet more worked their way into his shirt and shred it to pieces, his eyes were drawn to the others. Eli was squirming as whatever tendrils weren’t keeping him held in the air or his arms bound behind his back were teasing and rubbing all over him. Nate was a bit shocked to see Eli was hard and dripping. His own pants were yanked away as he watched a new tendril extend from the mass. It had an oddly open tip instead of the cockheads like the others and quickly engulfed Patriot’s hard-on. Judging by the way Eli’s eyes seemed to roll into the back of his head and he stopped struggling, it must have felt good.

The young man from the future looked over Billy’s way at the sound of a loud yelp. The mage had been moved so that he was straddling sever tendrils that were holding him upright like some freakish chair. The tendril in his mouth was slowly thrusting in and out and Billy’s hips were rocking. At the same time he felt the tendrils start to rub between the cheeks of his ass, Iron Lad saw the especially thick one that was slowly fucking Billy’s.

A muffled curse came as one of those thick tendrils found it’s way into Eli’s hole and slowly thrust itself deeper and deeper. Nate watched as the one in his mouth started thrusting. It even slowly worked past his gag reflex and into his throat. He tensed and started to struggle once more when he felt one of those cock-tentacles start to press against his hole. He was rather distracted by one of the open tendrils slipping forward and engulfing the erection he didn’t even know he had. The young man from the future learned what exactly felt so good about it though. The fleshy tentacle was tight, wet, and warm around his manhood and providing the most wonderful suction.

Distracted, Nate almost forgot about the tentacle at his ass until it thrust in. He moaned around the one thrusting in his mouth, still trying to get away from the invader in his ass. The suction on his cock as well as the tendril in his ass rather quickly finding his prostate had Nate pacified pretty quickly. The tentacle started thin and slow, almost lazily thrusting into him. As the pace and intensity of its thrusts increased, its size did as well.

The room was filled with the sounds of muffled moans, grunts, curses and the slithering sound the tentacles made. Nate felt himself brought right to the brink of orgasm twice only for the tendrils in his ass and around his manhood to stop until he was pulled back from the edge. The tentacle in his mouth never stopped thrusting though. Eli looked suitably frustrated from what Nate could see so he could only assume the same was happening to him and Billy as well.

Eventually things just stopped, the tentacle in Nate’s ass pressing firmly against his prostate. Whimpering, Nate looked around but his vision was a bit limited by the thick green appendage in his mouth. There was a shudder through the entire mass and things started moving. Billy was laid back from his sitting position and the suction tendril pulled off his length. Nate watched in confusion as Eli was carried over to Billy and the tentacle pulled from his hole. The super soldier’s legs were held apart and he was slowly lowered until he was impaled on Billy’s length, bringing groans from the both of them. Nate continued to watch them as the tentacle in Billy’s ass started thrusting again, forcing him to start thrusting in and out of Eli as the appendages around the super soldier lifted and lowered him in time with the movements. Nate jumped when he was moved next. His own manhood was freed as he was moved over to his teammates. He knew what was coming the moment he saw the cock-headed tendril removed from Billy’s mouth.

“Nate…Eli…I mmpph,” the mage got out before Nate was pressed forward and his cock into the dark haired teen’s open mouth. Things sped back up quickly, tentacles manipulating them all like weird puppets. The teen from the future wasn’t sure which of them came first but a few moments after he spilled into Billy’s mouth, Nate got a new surprise. The tendrils in his mouth and ass started to spurt thick, warm cum. Nate swallowed as much as he could but most leaked out the corners of his mouth like he felt it leaking from his ass.

For several minutes, they all just hung there suspended on the slimy green appendages. Slowly, the tendrils started to retract. The three Young Avengers were lowered to the ground and left sprawled in a sticky pile as the writhing mass of tentacles started to pull back in on itself and shrink. Nate looked up, feeling sore all over, and watched in amazement as the slimy mess continued to shrink while a faint blue glow became visible. He was shocked speechless when the last of the tentacles melted away. Laying on the couch was Teddy in his Hulkling form. Naked from the waist down, he was covered in cum like the rest of them but seemed to be sleeping peacefully with a very satisfied expression on his face.

“Sorry…so sorry,” Nate looked over to Billy, watching the blue glow fade from his eyes.

“I was dreaming and my powers got away from me,” Billy admitted, glancing from Nate to Teddy and then gesturing at the TV. Nate just slowly nodded and then laid down slowly on the floor. He’d deal with that after some rest…and a shower.

patriot, nc-17, hulkling, marvel, young avengers, wiccan, fanfic, iron lad

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