(no subject)

Oct 19, 2009 21:33

Title: DVD
Rating: NC-17
Fandom: Marvel Comics/X-men
Characters: Anole and Greymalkin
Summary: Written for the Kink Meme, PROMPT: Anole,Greymalkin; perving over guys and jerking off together.
Warnings: Hot Man-Sex within!

Jonas Greymalkin sat, idly tugging on the edge of his boxers, in Victor Borkowski's dark room. It would be the eighth time they'd done it but this time, Victor was a bit late.

"Sorry. Norkio ran into me on the way back and I couldn't get away," Victor apologized has he finally arrived. The reptilian mutant paused when he saw that Greymalkin was already down to his underwear.

"Couldn't wait to get started?" Victor teased, pulling a DVD case from his pocket as he locked his bedroom door. Greymalkin's cheeks felt a bit hot but he didn't reply. "This one's good. Trust me," Victor spoke up, placing the DVD in the player and starting to strip. Jonas joined him after a moment and soon both were naked.

Graymalkin had to admit that Victor had a nice body. And while they had tried to be...together...a few times, neither seemed to 'get a feel for it' as Victor put it. They both seemed satisfied with just being friends that enjoyed masturbating together. Bi-weekly sessions where they watched DVDs Victor acquired for them were something Greymalkin greatly enjoyed. And not just for the sexual pleasure. They talked and joked, mostly about the types of men they liked and wanted as well as past relationships and encounters. It was all very educational.

"Alright, here we go," Victor says, tossing Greymalkin the bottle of lubricant with his clawed hand while the 'normal' one began to spread the cool substance over a curved, green erection. Jonas followed suit quickly, spreading the gel over his member before attention turned to the television screen.

It wasn't good footage. Likely a basic camera recording it. But it showed a shower room that was strangely familiar. And it became clear why it was familiar when people entered the shot. It was some of the X-men, and other young mutants. Cyclops, Nightcrawler, Gambit, and more. Both teens were shocked into silence as they watched people they know soap up and wash off on the video, stroking their cocks as they watched.

Eventually, commentary started up. Victor and Greymalkin compared the various men on screen and shared theories about just how someone got a camera into the mens' showers. Even though they had both cum once that night, they continued to watch and started stroking when slick members came back to life. Silence returned as well near the end of the DVD.

Roberto DaCosta and Julian Keller were the only ones in view in the showers. It started out like any other of the video's parts...just guys soaping up. But when Roberto ran out of shampoo and asked Julian for his...the telekinetic threw it and clonked the older mutant in the head. An argument began. The argument turned to a physical fight, both rolling around on the tiled floor. And to the great surprise of both of the young men watching, the fight turned to sex.

Jonas came around the time Roberto entered Julian but Victor lasted a little longer. They sat quietly even as the video finished. When it went dark, Graymalkin looked over at Victor. The green teen looked over, smiled, and tossed the box of tissues to his friend.

"Okay...that was hot.".

nc-17, greymalkin, anole, fanfic, marvel

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