Future-AU Fic

Aug 13, 2009 19:25

“So you lead the team? Firebug?” Kate asked, looking down at the folder which only had Billy’s hastily scribbled notes within it. She really didn’t think this was a good idea, her and Eli pulling these new Young Avengers into the tower and then interviewing them but Eli was in a mood so there wasn’t going to be any budging him for awhile. Especially not when Vision was agreeing with him.

“Yes. I’m in charge of the group,” the young man across the table answered. He was still in that black and red costume, skin and hair a gold color and seemed to be trying way to too hard to look like he wasn’t nervous.

“And your powers…” Kate, not too pleased about being in costume when she’d been in bed only forty-five minutes earlier, didn’t get to finish.

“He’s a mini-torch! Shoulda called himself Zippo!” Tommy laughed, zipping into the room and take a seat next to Kate. The archer just sighed as Eli and Tommy glared at one another for a moment, giving Firebug a look that silenced him before he could say anything to the white haired speedster.

“And where did your powers come from? Are they natural?” Eli spoke up. Kate knew by now that this was one of the most important questions for Eli. She and the team had to chase him down more than once to make sure he didn’t get himself killed trying to wage a one-man-war against anything even remotely associated with MGH.

“Well,” Firebug frowned slightly. “My older brother was a scientist for Advanced Idea Mechanics. Turns out he was stealing from them…brought something home. There was an explosion, lots of bright light, and this really weird fire. I don’t know how I lived through it but when it was all done, I looked like this,” Firebug explained, spreading his hands slightly.

There was a long silence, Tommy idly picking at his nails while Kate, Eli, and Vision went over what they’d been told. Vision would be looking into this later, Kate was sure of it.

“And just how did your team…” Vision began.

“The Young Avengers,” Firebug spoke up again. Kate reached over quickly to grab Eli’s hand and give it a ‘do not say a thing or else’ squeeze.

“Yes. Your Young Avengers…how did you…assemble?” the synthoid finished.


“I’m sorry, but I’m new here. I assumed it was customary to be nude when two groups of warriors have formal meetings?”

Kate resisted the urge to facepalm as she looked at the teenager across the table. They were interviewing the kid the others called Sol and she knew she should have suspected something was about to happen when Tommy smiled after hearing who was coming in next.

“No. It’s alright. Please…just get dressed then come back in,” Kate made sure her voice betrayed noting.

“Very well. Again, I apologize,” the tall teenager replied, starting to glow in a familiar manner before walking out of the room.

Kate looked over at Vision who seemed as neutral as always and then to Eli. Rolling her eyes and smacking the arm Eli was using to cover his eyes, the archer looked over to Tommy and his ‘cat that got the canary’ grin. After glancing down to confirm that he was once again running around naked, she sighed and leaned in close.

“And Tommy…cover it up or I’m cutting it off.”

Tommy started to ask which Kate meant when she turned on ‘The Look’. That likely meant the answer was ‘all the above’. The speedster was gone before Kate even sat back down.

“My scans indicate that young man was a Majestian but I detected several anomalies,” Vision finally said something.

“I’ll have Teddy call Xavin to find out if she or Karolina know anything later,” Eli muttered, writing down a few notes.


“Fine. My mother was a waitress at a resort down in Tahiti. My father was someone named Rodrick Kingsley. Turns out he was the Hobgoblin, go figure. Got my mom pregnant and we never saw him again. Me and mom moved to America to try tracking him down but when the Thunderbolts started going psycho and attacking the city, Mom died. I managed to track down one of dear old Dad’s old hideouts, stole all his toys and redesigned it to be mine. Now I use it and the powers I have thanks to him for something better than he’ll ever be. Can I go now?”

Kate glared back at the girl across the table as she finished speaking. It was almost as if no one had been in the room with them the whole time.

“Yes. That is all we need,” Vision spoke up. Both Kate and the girl calling herself the Red Goblin turned their glares on Vision for an instant. The synthoid jumped. Kate would later smirk at being told she could even scare an android with just a glare.


“C’mon kid! A name, what your powers are, hell…just say hello. Say something!” Eli demanded, slapping a hand down on the table.

The kid Billy’s notes identified as Dynamic jumped before trying to shrink down into his seat. Eli’s eye twitched a little and Kate let out a sigh. They’d been at this for the past ten minutes and not gotten a word out of the kid. Eli had just managed to terrify the boy who’d been staring at them all in awe when he entered.

“Do you even speak at all?” Kate asked, reaching forward to push Eli back into his seat by the shoulders. She waited patiently, just watching Dynamic. Eventually he shook his head and Kate sighed again. She knew this was a bad idea.


“No, King Blackbolt and Lady Medusa are not aware that I’m here on Earth,” the talk girl wearing an image inducer seemed rather smug as she said this. “Only Lockjaw and Lady Crystal know I have left.”

“Why did you leave Attillan?” Vision inquired, quite curious as to why an Inhuman child was on Earth.

“Earth is more exciting. All of us have heard tales of your people and I wanted to experience them for myself so I took a new name for myself and came here. It was most fortunate to meet this team and become an Avenger.”

“How did you meet them?” Kate jumped quickly at the chance before Eli could. They’d had no luck getting an answer as to just how this team of Young Avengers got together and were running out of kids to ask.

“Gone was the one that found me. He detected my arrival and surprised me when he teleported into the area. If it were not for the others, I would have likely maimed him during battle,” the Inhuman girl going by the codename Titania stated simply. “There was a misunderstanding. I thought his flirtations were intended as insults,” she explained quickly, seeing the look she got from the three older heroes.

“So…your team formed when they all showed up to break up an argument between you and the kid with the goggles?” Eli eventually asked.

“Not exactly. You see,” Titania was cut off by Gone suddenly appearing behind her with a grin.

“Hey, is it my turn yet?” he asked.


“Name’s Tyson by my friends call me Ty. ‘Course my codename’s Gone,” the young man in the goggles seemed amused as he propped his feet up on the table. Vision just arched an eyebrow slowly before reaching over and knocking the teen’s feet back down to the floor.

“Yes. And we are aware you’re a teleporter,” the synthoid added on.

“Yeah. Mutant power. Nice one. I can sense when other people and stuff teleport too. Its awesome,” Gone laughed, grin back on his face.

”Ya know, I always wanted to meet the Avengers. I just didn’t think I’d get to do it at all much less in their own tower. Did ya see the guy running around naked? I can’t believe he got Sol to strip too. That was classic!” the teen laughed. Eli and Kate sighed at the same time and then looked over at one another to share a smile.

“Ooh. So how long have you two been dating?” Gone asked in a hushed tone, suddenly behind Kate and Eli. Both Avengers jumped and looked away, Vision getting up to lead Gone from the room.


Kate has to admit she liked this last kid’s suit. He had taste. Watching him shuffle a deck of playing cards, the archer had a feeling this little interview wouldn’t be as bad as the other six had been.

“Is the Scarlet Sorcerer coming? There was a lot I wanted to ask him,” the young man in the suit asked.

“No, I’m afraid he is…” Vision paused, considering the best way to say that Billy and Teddy were off having sex without actually saying it. “indisposed at the moment. I am certain he will be happy to speak with you afterwards though.”

“Oh. Alright then. Guess I should get started. Call me Edge. Or Tim. Either one works. And I’m a magic user. It’s a family thing I guess. Hey, is there some place I can get changed? This suit is really getting to me,” he asked, tugging on his tie and looking hopeful.


Some time after Kate, Eli, and Vision had time to go over the information gathered, they sat back down in the conference room with Tommy. Kate smirked when she noted that Tommy was wearing pants this time.

“Alright. So what are we going to do about these kids?” Eli asked.

“I would like to know why they are so evasive when asked about the origins of their team,” Vision replied.

“And why do we have to do anything about them? They’re not doing anything wrong,” Tommy interrupted.

Eli opened his mouth to say something but never got the words out. The door opened and the JARVIS droid rolled into the room.

“Pardon my interruption, but your guests asked me to inform you that while they were most appreciative of your hospitality, they had to go,” the robot’s synthetic British voice was modeled to sound just like the real Jarvis.

There was a pause before Eli stood quickly. “What?!”

patriot, hawkeye ii, vision, r, marvel, au, ocs, speed, fanfic

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