Another AUish fic

Jun 02, 2009 20:00

“The synthoid is down! Pack it up and let’s go!” The Hobgoblin, apparently the leader of this little band, yelled, tossing a pumpkin bomb. Billy noticed Kate jump out of the way but not even bother returning fire. The mage, quietly chanting a spell, saw why there was no concern a moment later. With a flash of energy, Hobgoblin was sent tumbling off his glider. Floating in the air was Teddy in that ‘Yeah, I know I’m sexy when I beat supervillains’ pose with matching smile. Billy was about to return the smile when he was enveloped by darkness.

Brow furrowing, he continued to murmur his spells as his cape whipped around him. He had a pretty good idea of who he was dealing with. Some wanna be vampire that called himself Blackout. He already had a slash across the front of his costume thanks to the guy. Billy was much more annoyed by the damage to his costume than the fact that if not for Tommy, he would have had his stomach cut open.

A explosion was heard outside the darkness Billy floated silently in, the mage unable to suppress the sudden pang of worry.

“Oh yeah! Raining robot parts!” Tommy could be heard laughing.

“Speed! Shut up and go help Vision and Stinger!” Eli yelled.

Billy stopped worrying and rolled his eyes. He tensed when his cape tugged lightly. Suddenly,  Blackout was right in front of him, lunging in with fangs ready. The mage’s expression twisted into one of shock and horror as the fangs sank into the area where shoulder met neck. Blackout grinned as he bit down…and was left rather confused as Billy just faded away, leaving him biting his own tongue.

Cursing and looking around quickly, Blackout didn’t notice Billy float down behind him slowly. The Scarlet Sorcerer smiled, pleased with his strategy, and tapped Blackout with his staff gently. The man turned and Billy blasted him with a bolt of arcane power. The light flooded and Billy turned around.

The blood drained from his face as his hood fell back with a bullet hole in the back of it. That had been way too close, the mage actually feeling the heat and the air as the bullet had passed. Quickly calling up a shield, he looked up and saw Madam Masque aiming a sniper rifle at him.

Before Billy could give her just what he gave Blackout, there was an arrow flying through the air and imbedding itself in the barrel of the rifle. Another arrow was flying as Madame Masque looked up from the scope. It smacked right into her metal mask and emitted a bight flash of light. The woman let out a scream as she tumbled forward off the fire escape she was perched on. Luckily…or perhaps by design…the woman landed right on top of Hobgoblin as the now capeless villain was climbing back onto his glider.

Billy turned to see Kate lowering her bow, perched atop a bench. There was a split second moment of ‘oh crap!’ when Billy saw Razorfist come into view behind Kate. It faded quickly, Kate’s sword out in a flash to meet the incoming blades. A quick kick to the mid section sent the man tumbling away and Billy floated over to look intimidating near Kate.

Razorfist didn’t get much time to reconsider his actions. Getting up ended rather quickly as a shield spun through the air and smacked the man in the side of his head. Billy watched the object bounce off villain skull, a few trees, and then end up right back in Eli’s hand. And Eli was doing that ‘sexy hero beats the bad guys’ pose too. Billy made a note to ask how he and Teddy kept pulling that off while he couldn’t.

Kate shook her head, drawing another arrow and running forward. Billy flew after her and managed to avoid being added to the hero-pile as a blasted Cassie was sent flying. A quick glance and Billy saw Teddy flying upwards very quickly, chasing after Tommy who seemed to be stuck in some kind of device that was pulling him higher and higher into the sky.

‘Oh yeah, supervillain’, flashed into Billy’s mind in time to deflect an energy blast from the Wizard. He scowled a the villain in the ridiculous purple costume and let his staff vanish into the mystic ether.

“Take a look a what a real wizard can do,” he quipped, lifting a hand letting lightning arc out at the villain. It was stopped by a barrier of some kind but Billy was counting on it. His free hand was surrounded by glowing sigils for a few seconds before he unleashed the spell. Pulling back on the lightning, Billy just smirked and deflected Wizard’s counter attack. He lifted one finger and pointed behind Wizard.

“If you think I am going to fall for th-“ Wizard finished with a yell before slamming into the ground, smoke rising from his back.

“Nice shot, Vision,” Billy said, looking up at his floating teammate.

“Thank you,” he replied.

A few moments later and the villains were being herded into the back of a SHIELD truck. The whole team was nearby, Eli talking with the police as cameras flashed and people cheered from behind where the police were keeping them.

“Hey, look,” Teddy spoke quietly, tapping Billy on the shoulder.

Billy’s attention was drawn away from teasing Tommy about needing to be rescued and up to Teddy. He followed the shapeshifter’s gaze to a cluster of trees.

“Trees, ooh,” Billy rolled his eyes, teasing Teddy a bit. He got a little hip-bump for his trouble.

”I thought I saw that from the other day again,” Teddy explained.

“Grateful fan. Kid’s probably just checking out the hot guy that saved him from falling off a building.” Billy grinned as Teddy actually blushed slightly. “Now c’mon. Let’s get home,” he said.

Neither saw that as the team took off in their various methods on the way back to the Tower, a pair of eyes was watching them from among the leaves of the trees.

”Oh man,” the teen they belonged to sighed. Pulling out a phone, he dialed a number and waited. “Yeah, Boss. I got the whole fight. No, they didn’t see me. Right, on my way back now,” he says, hanging up the phone. “Avengers…man, gonna be a big surprise for them,” he mutters, vanishing in a puff of smoke.

young avengers, au, pg-13, fanfic, marvel

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