Random Fic...

May 12, 2009 16:47

Title: Light in the Air
Rating: R
Fandom: House of M AU
Characters: Conner Bishop (OMC), several Marvel Characters
Summary: Conner's got a trick up his sleeve.
Warnings: It involves an OC of mine. Also...sequel/ follow up to http://saphiredwagon.livejournal.com/19337.html#cutid1

Sure, Conner was powerful but he was mostly brute force. Not the smartest guy. That's why he decided that the best thing he could do to make sure William's plan succeeded was to do something no one would expect. Something smart and secret and unlike him. That's why, while William sat preparing in his war room...atleast that's what Conner's look out last told him...the photokinetic was a few hundred miles away in an isolated area. In full uniform complete  with the new psi-dampeners in his mask, he shifted from foot to foot. Occasionally he'd check around with his powers to make sure no one that wasn't supposed to be there was around or use some of the security tech he'd brought along to do. He'd also glance over at the large, green girl wrapped up in cloaks as she looked around nervously.

"Father will be angry. It's not good when Father's angry...:" she muttered enough times for Conner to be annoyed but not enough for him to say something to her. Considering who her father was and how long it took him to get back to Austrailia after being literally thrown out, he'd not want the guy mad either. A golden streak of light drew Conner's attention upwards and a a smile formed on his face,

"You're late," Conner chuckled.

"So sue me. I had to get through all the security grids undetected. It takes time," the man in the Xandarian uniform informed him.

"Glad you could make it," Conner offered, clapping the man on the shoulder.

"Wouldn't miss it. Earth is still my home. The other Guardians are all ready for transport on your signal," he adds.

"Great. Now just for the others to get here," the photokinetic sighs slightly as he says this. Onlly a few moments later, a cracking twig brought everyone into defensive stances. They all relaxed when a pale woman in leather appeared, followed shortly by a heavily armed man in red and black.

"Sorry. Finding him was a pain in the ass," Domino sighs.

"Don't blame me because you suck at hide and seek. Heeeeey! Glow-man! When we goin' to the party? Is Logan gonna be there? I haven't shot him in awhile," the man in red and black started to ramble. Conner just stared for a moment before looking up.
"Not too much longer. Almost all of us," Conner replied.

The crackle of magic drew more attention and after a flash of light the small group is joined by seven more young adults and a dinosaur. Before Conner could even get a greeting out, a woman in power armor was suddenly by his side. Judging by her stance, she was annoyed.

"And the gang's all here," Conner declared. "Everyone have their parts memorized?" he asked. Giving a nod after all the affermative replies and babbling from Deadpool,

"Good. Then at my signal, execute the plan. I'll be on scene," he declares in his 'command' voice. "Move out!"

The photokinetic smirked as his team got moving. If Grandpa didn't want to do things peacefully, Conner'd make sure William's side won the war. Of course, he even still had one last ace in the hole he was saving. Something that would definitely get him in trouble but it'd be there if it was needed. "I'm on my way, Love," Luiminence whispers, getting notice that Willain was leaving the War Room..

au, wiccan, omc, fanfic, r, marvel

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