Mar 17, 2007 14:25
I'm in the process of moving out, weaning my boss off of my work duties, and trying to tie up loose ends...
but...*ugh* yesterday I had to switch around hours to get some days off (so that I would have a few days to pack and move out) so I decided to opted to have a long day... well let me just say it wasnt fun at alll! A long day at an "office" is one thing...where you got your private little cubicle/ office with a nice comfy chair. A long day at LJ (and that doesnt stand for livejournal) is another, where my boss is literally standing behind my back watching and dictating my every move ("no lets try it this way", "now lets try it that way"). *cringe* oh and lets not forget the horrendously uncomfortable chairs they have...and the only reasons the have such chairs...."because they are arty". *pfshh* that is NOT a reason you buy chairs!!!
Thank gooooodness I have survived just two more 6 hours shifts with her...and D-O-N-E!!!!!!!! *CHEERS*
Todays agenda... familys getting together for a lovely dinner celebrating my departure on friday and my birthday (3 weeks early), at my favorite restaurant :) MMMMMm
Happy St. Patricks day....GREEEEEEN GREEN GREEN! :) look its a clover ---> --C3