staying in touch

Jul 28, 2008 20:25

It has been ten months since my last post, lets just say it, I have given up on updating my livejournal. It is just simply too hard to take the time to do it when I don't have the internet at home and I keep pretty busy. Starting in September, I will have two jobs and work my way to becoming a workaholic. Along with working full time at the bowling center, I plan on subsititute teach for the local school district, and possibly regularly volunteer in a classroom. I really don't need to journal as much as I used to and when I do need to, I do it in other means in my room. I still hope to check it every once inawhile incase those that are not nearby, which is just about everyone, wish to mass communicate through livejournal. I would love to continue to know how everyone is doing in whatever way is easiest. As my friends continue to move away, all I ask is that you do not get upset about friendships ending, try to think of it as more like friendships changing. We become different kind of friends, but I will continue to think of those leaving to be some of my greatest friends because they have made such an impact on me the last few years. Although livejournal has worked in the past to help us all stay connected while apart and I would love to stay in touch with everyone to where we don't have to spend two hours on the phone to catch up on things, but I am certain that it is not going to be possible for me to keep this journal current. Probably the best way for you to communicate with me will be facebook because right now that is what I check most frequently and I am still able to mass communicate when needed.
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