Dec 20, 2005 20:06
(Okay, I have some journal updating to do, so be expecting a couple more posts that will cover the past week or two.)
After taking my last three finals, cleaning the apartment up, doing a few other errands I came home last night. I did not really want to rush home and leave campus last night, but I decided that since I will be going back to school so early then I should get home as soon as I can. It was kind of funny when my dad saw me this afternoon because he thought for some reason I was not coming home until the twenty-third. I have no idea where he got that from because it was either going to be last night or sometime today. I am just really happy because I got home before my nephew, so as long as he is born before January 6th, then I will be around when he is born.
I spent the afternoon out to the farm helping Grandma make Christmas cookies. I do not recall if I have ever helped with the Christmas cookies before; I know I did once for the Valentine's cookies. I do not usually help out because I do not like working with frosting. Today, she was not doing the decorated cookies, that will be Thursday, we made peanut butter balls and my favorite pistachio cookies. I am really glad I got to help with the pistachio cookies because those are my favorite. I do not think I will make them on my own, even though I practically did today, because they take a lot of work to make. I had a fresh pistachio cookies because it was crumbling apart, it was so yummy! I also spent a little time with the animals. I was a creeped out with how friendly Arthur was being, that cat normally will not let people (other than Grandma) get near him and he let me pet him, hold him and carry him. Normally if I am lucky enough to pet him, he will all of a sudden attack. And Skeeter was in a pretty playful mood and restless, which is really good for him because he is an old "pup". I don't think he stopped moving until towards the end of my visit, maybe he was just so glad to see me being as I am one of his favorites. I also helped Grandma feed the cows and horses, like I always do if I am out there during feeding time.
I get back and Jason, a part time employee, was at the bowling center picking up his paycheck and his christmas ham. So, I had him take a look at my computer to find out where my menu bar in Word disappeared to and have him bring it back. It looks like he will be reinstalling Microsoft Word to get it back. I am just glad the timing the problem was good, right after my last project was turned in and right before I went home.
When I got online, I decided to check and see if my grades were in, even though I figured most of them would not be there because I just took the exams yesterday. Well, I was wrong all the grades are in except one. When I saw the grades, my reaction was HOLY SHIT! I currently have a 4.0; however, I do not think my last grade to come in will be an A. It would be possible if I had not gotten lazy during the final and decided to just not do the fourth essay. I will be fortunate if I had finished that class with an A-.
Well, I am not exactly sure what I am going to be doing over break because I am not currently scheduled to work and I have nothing I can do in my room. So, I have decided to read the book Jenny got me for Christmas, I just hope I will finish it before the break is over. My Mom said I had put the book on my Christmas list, but I do not remember doing so. The book is probably more of a summer read, which is when I do most of my reading, but oh well I want to read something. Tomorrow I get to play one of Santa's elves and deliver the Christmas hams to family and employees.
My nephew will be here any day now,
Christmas Eve is about four days away,
And Joe will be back in two weeks.