I had my first two classes
History of Human Rights and the History of the Cultural Revolution of China (1966-1976)
they both seem really good
one of my classmates was very nervous in the Cultural Revolution of China class
so afterwards I brought him to the library, made sure he could get into BlackBoard for class
and I got him a copy of the book he needed
he was happy, and I felt like a good librarian
but I took the elevator!
I had made a rule, no elevator at work
but I’ve forgiven myself since it was after hours
speaking of rules and forgiveness
the diet is going well
and I’m doing to do it for one more week
and than I’m going on hiatus from it for a week
as that is valentines day week and I don’t wanna diet for it
and after that week I’ll go back to the diet
do it for four more weeks
and call it done
I’ve started cooking with coconut oil, it’s delicious!
on Monday the gym reopens at my school
I’m thinking of trying the
couch to 5K program
but if I find I don’t enjoy, I’m gonna stop
’cause I like doing stuff I like to do
I don’t like doing stupid stuff, and it turns out unfun it’d be stupid of me to do it, so I’ll stop
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I want a dancing robot
at work I got a new minion
he comes in today
he’s an intern, in Library School
so he’s not a minion so much as he is henchman
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