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Feb 14, 2005 10:46

this week went by really slow FIRST i went to the b ball game on tuesday with adam and jenna. then A FEW DAYS PASSED AND STOPPED by candaces house on tuesday and I finally got my HAt that she obducted !!! we had a meet that day too AGAINST northville in which we lost.. it was really close though so im not really dissapointed !!! you win some u lose some!! so friday roles around and i have to work again and i have to work all day satturday so thats no fun!!! anyways saturday came anw went ANd i had to work all say long 12 to 7 !! what a BIATTTCHh.. i know well the day wasnt all a waste i went to jordans party and that was pretty sweet seen a few familiar faces and met some!! got home late that night and was grounded for a month. and then i was ungrounded when i got home from work the next day ... one of those things ya know.. That day sucked i had to work from 9 to 5 but adam was workin to soo we kept eachother company while we ate food all day long/////// at the end of the night we went to kyles house ( me, jenna, adam , and jordan) and we watched a few movies and me and adam spent the night1! it was ppretty fun cuz me and kyle burned adam with one of those keyboard dusters.. while he was asleep .. he woke up liek freakin out lol and we got it on tap .. it was pretty nice lol well anyways we have the next weeek of school and that IS AWESOME well ill prolly be workin alot and chillin with adam.... ohh and me and alissa are supposed to hang out if her schedule isnt maxed out lol !!! we better ... ha welp thats all till next week everyone enjoy the BREAK!!!
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