Dec 14, 2004 14:07
It's now the time of year where everyone is finishing up with finals and saying their goodbyes.......well most decent nice people say goodbye .....but yeah it's kind of sad but then again it really isn't. I'll of course miss all my friends but I just won't miss school. BLAH! My head has felt like it's gonna explode for the past like week and a half. I'm ready to go home, put on mindless Holiday entertainment and just be lazy. I can't wait till Christmas. I love Christmas!! And then of course after it'll be off to wonderful San Diego which should be lots of fun!! Even though it's a bowl game I mean come on....It's a free trip to San Diego! Well I hope everyone has a great holiday break, I'll miss you, probably will talk to you online or on the phone or for those of you that live close to me in person :-D See everyone NEXT YEAR!!! WOO!!