Quick update

Nov 17, 2008 20:11

I took a 4-day weekend with my wonderful wife this last...weekend. I had everything wonderfully planned out, then I found out my motorcycle inspection was scheduled for today. Tara did a bit of finagling with the DMV, and got it moved. I was in the clear! I had my truck dropped off to get fixed, had a ride down the night prior and everything. Then, I left my keys in my pocket as I drove off. So now, my truck still needs fixing, and I still had to wend my way back from the airport. It all worked out though, a nice lady whose husband is a retired colonel gave me a ride back. There was a lot of flying, but I had a great couple days. We watched the Bond movie Friday night and ate dinner with Tara's biology friends at the Library. Saturday we practiced the songs for the concert, and ate dinner with the Rosza crew folks. That night we ended up watching Tech's performance of Seascape, as well as me getting roped into taking tickets while Tara worked the box office. Honestly, I didn't mind a bit, and it felt good to do a bit of service. Sunday we had an afternoon rehearsal and evening show. Tara and I had dinner at Michigan House with Steph, and I shouldn't have had the beer, dries the throat, kills the low notes. The show was great, even though I didn't bring the uber-bassness I usually do. I only got about half the oomph I wanted on the C in Lauredsen's O Magnum Mysterium, and the opening for Steal Away was sad. The second basses also completely flubbed the entrance in the bridge of Elijah Rock, even though I tried via aborted solo. Other than that, and a few shaky spots in Walking On The Green Grass and Arroz Con Leche, it was a truly phenomenal concert. I even liked how Down In The Valley sounded, and I categorically hate the song. Notably, it was the first time I've ever understood the words in Drink To Me Only With Thine Eyes. I got to see a lot of people I'd not seen in a long time, and it was immeasurably awesome to catch up with them. We spent the evening cleaning the turtle tank, and yes, I enjoyed cleaning the tank. It made me realize how incredibly precious each moment with my wife is, no matter how mundane, how wonderfully awesome she is, and how I can not wait until we actually are living in the same place at the same time again. I smile as I write this because I get a feeling when she finally gets back on LJ and reads this, she'll gag. Ok, that's all for now.
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