Feb 01, 2006 21:15
Remember that book? Well, that was my day today. I'm not even sure why it was so bad, because only one major bad thing happened, but the day was horrendous and continues to be so. I can't even look forward tomorrow, because ever since the days of seventh grade jazz band with He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named, Thursdays have been the worst day of the week. Therefore, if today was this horrible, it makes me sick to imagine what tomorrow will be like.
No festival for Emma. Stupid money.
I hate the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. As well as most things having to do with laws.
I think I'll take out the Suicide Song, which was originally intended as a satire, and try out some of the fun stuff in there.
No, don't worry, I would never me THAT desperate. Just very close.