Edward Lyman Munson (1868-1947).
As President of the Army Shoe Board at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, he guided the development of an improved shoe, called "the Munson last." This was an accomplishment of preventive medicine which contributed to the comfort of the soldier and increased the mobility of infantry. Before 1912, a soldier was issued one pair of shoes which usually did not fit, cramping the toes, deforming the foot, and causing incapacity particularly on marches. To investigate this and reform the conditions, the able and thoughtful Army Shoe Board, formed at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, in 1908, and directed by Col. (later Brig. Gen.) Edward Lyman Munson, MC, issued its revolutionizing report in 1912. A new pattern of shoe, made on the Munson last was described, and methods for measuring and fitting were outlined. This shoe and related procedures were officially adopted. This humble measure of comfort was a definite contribution by preventive medicine to the mobility of infantry, and as will be seen, socks and shoes had a determining influence on some phases of World War II.
The Evolution of Preventive Medicine in the United States Army, 1607-1939 До сих пор единственная обувь, кроме относительно недавних
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