The Ghostafacers meet Castiel icons & download link

Sep 19, 2011 17:05

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And since Castiel is heavily featured in this entry, I want to post something squishyballsaid on ontd_spnparty a couple of weeks ago regarding the whole Castiel situation. It sums up really well my opinion on the matter:
  • There seems to be a misconception that if you are a fan of Castiel, that you must hate Sam and Dean--as if it's impossible to love both. That is patently untrue. I've experienced much of the side of fandom that loves Cas and I can assure you that this isn't the majority view. Most fans love Sam, Dean, and Cas equally. Yes, there are a few haters, but aren't there haters in every category? Aren't there Sam fans who hate Cas? Aren't there Dean fans who sometimes resent Sam? Don't generalize the sometimes loudest voices as the overall viewpoint.

  • There is also this misconception that those who love Castiel are all "entitled-as-fuck" and demanding that the show keep him on--that we can't accept his death. That is not true. I think I can speak for everyone when I say that we could have dealt with his death and even have embraced it if it had been an honorable one, rather than one laden with corruption, spite, and blame. No matter if you love or hate Cas, you have to admit that Godstiel was a bitter pill to swallow. Had he gone out like Gabriel or Ellen/Jo, I think you have found here to be a much much smaller level of complaints--because YES Castiel would be dead, but would have done so in a way that was respectful of all the sacrifices his character had made.

In essence:
He came in with a bang, he deserves to go out with one too.

Not this tarnished, broken thing that the writers seem to be set out on exploiting. Not only was it disrespectful to Castiel, but also to Sam and Dean and the time he spent building a relationship with them. Are seasons 4-5 no longer important? Has all Castiel done been forgotten? Are Dean and Sam the only two who we can forgive when mistakes are made?

- I have a few friends who just recently got into Supernatural. They watched all of Seasons 1-5 in the course of a month. And then they began to watch Season 6. And I think one of them summarized it well when she said, "I don't recognize any of these characters anymore. It's like the ones I fell in love with and rooted for are gone." Sam was not Sam (although, he had good reason not to be without his soul). Dean was not Dean. And Cas was not Cas. Everyone's behavior was erratic and inconsistent.

Overall, Season 6 was very poorly constructed. I know there are a few who continue to defend it and call it the BEST SEASON EVER--but I honestly can't understand that viewpoint. And I have tried. God knows I have. Castiel being revealed to have been ~lying~ the whole time makes little sense when one goes back and watches the season all at once. Why not tell Dean he pulled Sam out? Why not reveal that he had accidentally missed Sam's soul in the process? Why not tell him about Crowley, when Dean, Sam, and Bobby have all worked with him too?

The Balthazar/Angelic Weapon storyline was then revealed to be illogical and pointless. As were the Campbells. As was "Mother". Red herrings are all good and fun...but do you really need so many of them? It's like the writers created so many threads that in the end they didn't know what to do with them.

And with the writers going against their original plan of killing Castiel in the finale (having him die in order to defeat Raphael)--and do so so late on in the season--it showcases how little thought they gave to the overall story. It's like they threw up their hands and said, "Yes! Let's make Castiel all spooky and evil. Haha! Perfect cliffhanger." They used Castiel as a character device for their own inability to maintain a consistent story arc. We need Sam to be soulless? Let's make it so that Cas screwed it up. We need a meta episode? Let's have Cas be all sneaky and send Sam and Dean there as a means of distracting Raphael. We need Sam's wall to break? Let's make Cas do it!

Moreover, they hadn't actually planned on giving Cas a chance to explain his side. Misha spoke frankly at one of the cons in that he had to talk with the writers about it. Essentially, he put forth that because Cas is a beloved character to many -- he couldn't suddenly flip to the dark side with no explanation. Only then did they step back and think of doing 6.20. They really couldn't have come to that conclusion on their own?


I suppose my main point is...people seem to be taking out their frustration with the SHOW and the WRITING out on a CHARACTER. As if Castiel hadn't been there at all, that this season would have magically been great and coherent and wonderful. And that so following, without Castiel for Season 7, there will suddenly be brilliant writing and character continuity.

Who wrote Season 6? The writers.
Who was the showrunner? Sera Gamble.

Who is writing Season 7? The same writers (with a few NEW additions).
Who is the showrunner going to be? Sera Gamble.

I know there is a lot of wank that comes when Gamble's name is mentioned. But for me, as she is showrunner, and thereby her job to maintain consistency in terms of both characterization and plot, I have to lay much of the blame at her feet. She okays the scripts. She okays the story arc. And so on. And in Season 6, she did not prove herself to be a competent showrunner.

I just don't think it will never go back to the Season 1 vibe. Not completely. Sam and Dean are not who they used to be. Trying to shove them back into the same formula doesn't give any space for their characters to grow and evolve as people. I guess Dean going back to his sleazy self and Sam back to his nerdy self satisfies the majority. It's just incredibly sad to me because both of their characters are so much more than those minor traits.

I guess I'm the odd man out. I want Sam and Dean to change and learn and grow. I want them to find friends and other hunters they can trust. I want them to forge close relationships with people other than themselves. I want them to be happy and achieve some measure of peace.

But I guess we're back to square one. Sam with his broken mind/soul and Dean worrying about how to fix him.

!goodies, supernatural, !icons

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