I JuSt ThiNk Of YoU & EvErYtHiNgS ALriGht!

Mar 27, 2005 20:13

Ahhhhh...im seriously in a good mood right now, its great!

Last Thursday- sat around all day n did nothing, went and worked out (forgot how much i actually liked it, so that was fun) sat around being jealous that my big sis was at the ash simpson concert, then when she got home she had to rub it in lol...then we went Canoeing haha, which in other words means jess and i went to Lisas, took us an hour to get there cuz we were incredibly lost and jessie would not shut her mouth the whole time haha, got there played some drinking cames, talked with a cute boy, learned this fucking awesome dance rachel taught me, jess and sarah b, even tho everyone else thought we were gay haha, came home and passed out!

Friday- DEEZEE SLEEPOVER...so much fun, we played the game I Never...haha got some closet freaks thats all i gotta say, i love those girls soo fucking much, and honestly never laughed so hard in my life! had to go home that nite tho = (...mom told me to be home at midnight, when i wasnt, she yelled and to avoid an argument i just went to Pavvos with sara, jay, liz, and paul, drank a few beers, had some random kid call me over and over again begging me to come to chips house 2 see Ryan...UHMMM NO THNX! then went to stay the nite at saras sisters house and watched Saw..then had nightmares for the rest of the nite lol

Saturday-Lunch with mother, then she let me straightener her hair and put makeup on her...if u know my mom, u know how big of a step this was for her lol...then went to my cuzs communion at 7...oh and then we didnt leave the church until almost 11:30...yes everyone thats 4 and half hours in church, i thought i was gonna die! then went to my aunts house for cake and ice cream haha no1 knows why...went to saras sisters again and we were gonna go to our Chips house (we know a bunch of guys in the air force and they live together and always throw partys, its lotsa fun!) but then i guess everyone left, so sara and i watched raise your voice...good movie! then the ex called at like 3:30 in the morning, we talked for a while and he was leaving to go back home to school, so he stopped by to see me before he left...it was actually a good time too, we didnt argue what so ever, which is surprising...hes a good guy, when he wants to be...and i have to fix what i said in the last entry about feeling the same way i did about keith with another person...TOTALLY LIED...it wont happen! so anyways, came back inside and watched the first daughter and then finally fell asleep at 6 in the morning...and dreamed about *HiM* all nite long!

Sunday- EASTER! soooo tired, and sooo cranky...not a good combo! went to dinner with the fam at the Elks Club, got into an argument cuz my family irritated me alot, then went to the cemetary to see my Abuelo and wish him happy easter...i miss him = (...then went to my moms and passed out for a while, and now im home!

Guy Update- THEY STILL SUCK! lol no but really, im not making an effort nemore, im not chasing anyone, and im not gonna freak out if things dont go my way...fuck it, its not something i wanna waste my time on, especially on people that i thought were completley diff. then what they are...im SINGLE and i love it!...and honestly...it feels so good, girls should seriously try this more often!

Uhmmm i miss my dog, my teeth dont hurt nemore, i have 2 tests this week, and i need to go do some homework...sooo ByE!
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