Oh go fuck yourself, Joe O'Connor.

Sep 20, 2012 10:06

Indeed, there are more finite calculations involved: Career demands. Timing. Not having a partner, or not having the right partner. Flaky fears about overburdening our already overburdened planet, personal choice and a bunch of other hooey that serve to hide the fact that happy couples that choose not to have kids are, at root, well, let’s see: ( Read more... )


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bee_york September 20 2012, 19:31:24 UTC
Also, what you said here:

Mmmhmm. And you know what you and Ann Landers are, Joe O'Connor? Jealous. Stop turning regrets you have about your own life into newspaper columns.

THIS. This x 1000000. The *only* people who judge and hate on others, instead of minding their own business, are people who are unfullfilled and unsatisfied with something about themselves. I guess there's the silver lining? That they can't stand seeing us child-less couples be so happy with our life choices? That they're trying to compensate for some regret or resentment they have deep down? I dunno, I personally find a bit of solace in that, I think. ;)


dzuunmod September 20 2012, 20:34:14 UTC
Haha - I was not surprised to see that you were one of the people to respond to this...

That they're trying to compensate for some regret or resentment they have deep down? I dunno, I personally find a bit of solace in that, I think. ;)

The best revenge is living well, babe, so fuck 'em! (Actually no, of course don't do that. :p)


bee_york September 20 2012, 21:21:47 UTC
The best revenge is living well, babe, so fuck 'em! (Actually no, of course don't do that. :p)

Ahahaha! Best response everrrr. <3 Rock on! \m/


wendykh September 20 2012, 23:21:53 UTC
Honestly I think they're pissed they didn't have the balls to "fuck society." You know, like the closeted gays who rip on the out ones? mmm hmmm. And those people piss me off so bad because society doesn't make anyone do jack shit. Lack of appropriate birth control and not taking responsibility for YOUR choices (including choosing not to abort, or place for adoption after -AT ANY POINT) does.

Also I am really appalled how many people I know having risky sex (affairs for example) are not using any kind of birth control whatsoever just ya know assuming all will be fine and they won't get knocked up I'm like wtf are you 15? Men north of 35-40 I know seem to be particularly bad at this. I suspect because they've spent most of their sex lives with women on the pill. Seriously I can hardly think of one man I know north of 40 who does anything other than "are you on the pill?" and seeing if she nods before sticking his dick in her. God.


raccoonbonapart September 21 2012, 05:47:39 UTC
What is it with older guys and condoms, GAWD. I once had an older Brit guy say, "In Britain, we have something called the morning after pill." I was like, put a condom on or I'm not fucking you because I just met you in a bar half an hour ago. JFC. He was lucky I had some with me or he would not have gotten laid before I gave him a fake phone number and left. He was also lucky that I was 23 and drunk and depressed, but whatever. Guys my age or younger just assume that there will be condoms involved, it's so much easier and much less drama.


wendykh September 21 2012, 13:51:06 UTC
I mentioned once I think it's a lot like seatbelts. I agree with you that younger guys just assume a condom will be involved. Like how I've met very few (urban -rural the age goes down a bit) people under 60-65 who don't just automatically put on a seatbelt without even thinking. But older people? Those who are around 80 now? "They dont fit right, they're too tight, they wrinkle my clothes, they're uncomfortable, they're distracting" and on and on.


raccoonbonapart September 21 2012, 13:59:41 UTC
And then there's the 60 and up crowd and car seats. "We never put out kids in car seats and they turned out fine!" etc.


wendykh September 21 2012, 14:38:05 UTC
I'm horrid and say "you're lucky because my grandmother's child died from not being in a carseat and my FIL has seen more accidents than he can count back in the 60s and 70s where mommy was holding the baby and the baby flew out the window and died on the pavement during a wreck."

Because of that I never had to have the carseat fight with the grandparents, thank god. Although Pat's mom loses her shit a bit when I insist on no coats under the car seat straps. Even tho, ya know, I warm the car up first. And it's too hot to wear a coat in there *anyway*.


raccoonbonapart September 21 2012, 14:41:05 UTC
Adam's mom is completely obstinate when it comes to car seats. Once we were on the 401 when Eliot was about three months old and he was crying, so she said, "Just take him out of his car seat and nurse him." ON THE FREAKING 401. And she thought I was being a total drama queen because I wouldn't do it.


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