(no subject)

Sep 28, 2004 22:07

So, many of you know that I used to write for The Link, one of the student papers at Concordia. And that one of my tasks at work these days, is to read each article in the paper and index them in a database, so that we can search them in the future.

And today the paper put out its annual queer issue. Which is fine. But three things in it sort of struck me.

First of all - and lots of people are guilty of this: The World Outgames is a major athletic event based on the principles of Participation and Celebration, Respect and Fairness, Innovation, Diversity and Empowerment, or PRIDE.

Participation and Celebration, Respect and Fairness, Innovation, Diversity and Empowerment does not equal PRIDE. It equals PCRFIDE. Or PACRAFIDAE. I can deal with not counting the ands, but if the word's capitalized, you gotta put it in the acronym.

Next, you'll recall that once upon a time it was LGB. Then, it was LGBT. Then, it was LGBTQ. And at that time, I figured, "Well, LGBTQ pretty much covers it all, since the 'Q' is in there. 'Queer' pretty much covers it all, dunnit?" I guess I was wrong, because now it's LGBTTTQQIA. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? Isn't 'transgender' sort of an umbrella term? Why do natives need their own special category? This isn't about race - it's about sex and gender. Maybe we should add a D to the end for men on the down lo. And maybe we should get rid of the 'A' for 'ally', for a whole host of reasons. Do we actually expect people to remember this stupid acronym? Most people - most people outside of activist circles - had enough trouble with the three acronyms that preceded this one. Did I mention that this is a stupid acronym?

Lastly, there's this thought that's been out there for sometime, that acceptance and tolerance of queers (simple word that eliminates the need for stupid acronyms, that is) isn't good enough. That we have to demand more. Like, admiration, for one. Jesus H. Christ. I'm sorry, but I don't expect admiration for being queer. Do we want people to treat us just like everyone else, or do we want special treatment? Let's make up our minds, and speak with one friggin' voice sometime soon, okay?


Tomorrow's going to be so, so difficult. I know, I absolutely know that I'm going to lose it. And I'm okay with the fact that Elizabeth had to bail on me, and I'm forced to go alone. I think it's probably just right that I go alone, actually. I'll put on my headphones, sip on a beer and sulk. I know that this makes me the punchline to a million jokes, but I don't care. I'm losing a lifelong best friend tomorrow night, and this is what's going to feel right.

I know I've said in this space before that I'd likely become either a Pirate or Red Sox fan, but I don't know if that'll happen. I don't know if I can keep following (Major League) baseball. It's broken my heart too many times. Maybe I'll just cheer for the individuals that I like right now, and when they retire, so will I. Maybe I'll become a Vermont Expos (Senators? Whatever they call themselves in years down the road...) fan and try and get to a game every year or two.

No more driving in on the Met, trying to spot the Olympic Stadium's tower. No more scalpers in the tunnel from the metro. No more listening to Elliot Price call a baseball game while working on his standup routine. No more lousy pizza from Place Tevere. No more hopes of finally getting that elusive handshake from Tim Wallach. No more faint hopes that Labatt Park actually comes about. No more high fly balls to left that go "up, up and away!". No more fastballs "right down Ste. Catherine Street". No more spring training. No more pinball baseball at the Big O. No more wait 'til next season...

Pictures tomorrow or Thursday.

queer, expos

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