(no subject)

Aug 12, 2004 16:41

It's so true. Gable is brilliant. I'd be very curious to get reactions from the people at work to this thing. I'm torn over the whole CHOI issue. I'm all for free speech. I'm all for being allowed to say what you want to say. But Mr. Fillion isn't being told that he can't say what he wants.

I'm extremely confused as to why this is being turned into a Quebec thing, in the francophone media. It's not. You misbehave, you get a warning. You misbehave again, you get another warning. You keep at it, this is what the CRTC's gonna bring down on you, moron.

Mr. Fillion's being told that he can't say what he wants on the public's airwaves. They are a limited resource. If he wants to say these things without government interference, he should start an Internet radio station. Or a newspaper. There are virtually no regulations on those things.

Liza Frulla's right, of course. She can't overturn the CRTC's decision. Nobody in Ottawa except the higher-ups at the CRTC can do that. Doing so would undermine the whole purpose of the CRTC. I'm sorry, but the people in Quebec City just aren't getting it.


Sigh. It was this day, 10 years ago that the bats went silent, and greedy players and owners robbed Montreal of its baseball future.

I don't think that the strike is the only thing that's caused this franchise to become what it is, but it was a major, major contributing factor. If the Expos go to the playoffs that year, they keep two of the four (Ken Hill, John Wetteland, Larry Walker, Marquis Grissom) that they lost after the season, and they have a shot at the playoffs the next season. If '94 played out, nothing that came after it would have been as it is, and who knows what would have happened. Maybe there's a ballpark at Peel and St. Jacques instead of condos. Sigh.

canadian politics, expos

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