Occupy Whatever.

Oct 05, 2011 11:19

Before leaving this morning, I caught an interview on CBCNN with a guy who's part of the OccupyTO protest that'll hit its peak on October 15th. I present to you now a partial, paraphrased transcript:

Carole MacNeil: So, what are some of the things you have planned?
Occupy guy: Blah-blah among other things we'll be occupying a public park blah-blah.
CM: And how long will you be occupying the park?
Occupy guy: Until our demands are met.
CM: And what are your demands?
Occupy guy: Well, as a representative of Occupy TO, I'm not entitled to speak as a representative of Occupy TO, because we're a diverse group and blah-blah.
CM: So, how is anyone supposed to satisfy your demands if no one from your group will say what your demands are?
Occupy guy: Well - the people who don't know what our demands are, the people who can't figure out what's wrong with our system themselves and aren't sympathetic, have too much money and are out of touch.


ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? He seriously said, I'm not butchering his words or the context here, he seriously said that anyone who doesn't just *know* what the point of his group is, has too much money.

I don't even have the words for this. Talk about out of touch.

There was a time when I was sympathetic to protests like this. I still might be, under the right circumstances, and with the right group of protesters. But these people are fucked.

Seriously, and I can't be emphatic enough about this: Fuck you, Occupy TO, if you think that because I don't sympathize with you and care about you, it's because I have too much money.

economics, canadian politics, protest

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