(no subject)

Jul 06, 2004 22:19

I was disappointed with the either-or mentality in Queer As Folk again last night. Melanie insisted that Lindsay choose women or men. She claimed she could never again feel like she was satisfying Lindsay, because Linds'd slept with a man.

Oh, those bisexuals, they can just never make up their minds, can they now?


Speaking of which, fiercecupcake I finally got around to listening to the episode of This American Life you had asked me about.

Everyone's in a bubble about something or other. It's like the old quote from the New Yorker's renowned former film critic, Pauline Kael: "I don't know how Richard Nixon could have won. I don't know anybody who voted for him." And she said that, of course, about Nixon's landslide victory over McGovern.

It's kind of a nice feeling, sometimes, to get jerked out of one of your bubbles, no? I think it is, anyway. People are still coming around on the bisexual option. I know that. If Ira'd been interviewing some kid from Nebraska or something, it wouldn't have really surprised me. But for it to have come from someone who works on the show, who's presumably really intelligent judging from their high standards, that's surprising.

And I wouldn't be surprised or upset so much by my first item up there, if Melanie and Lindsay were characters on The O.C., not Queer As Folk.


Ugh. Working full-time is tough. It sucks, maybe. hallelujah, you have my respect. But, on the upside, I haven't really had time for my pity parties since this started. And I've prioritized pretty well. Most of the things that I do now are devoted, on some level, to bettering myself, I think. I'm working out a fair bit. I'm eating healthier (more healthfully?). Or else it's stuff I have to do. Weekends are still reserved for boozing and socializing and video gaming, though, hopefully.

If this keeps up, y'all are going to be seeing a lot less of me on MSN and ICQ, I think. I'll still be there occasionally, though. You're friends, many of you, and I want to keep up with you as much as I do with real-life friends.

I miss messaging though, so I'll probably fall back somewhere closer to where I used to be, eventually.


I bought a Grundig radio yesterday. I hope I can figure out some of the weekday frequencies for the BBC, RFI or Deutsche Welle for work listening. It's pretty small, the radio, though, so I wonder if it'll even pick up those signals. Plus, I work in a big concrete building.


I heard this guy, Manitoba, on the Roundup today. Since when did Bill Richardson leave the show? And since when did they start playing good music? Get some Manitoba on your file-sharing service of choice...


I'm thinking that like at least one of my other friends, I might develop a naughty-ish filter. If you don't want in on it, say so here. Or say so somewhere else. The comment will be emailed to me, and I'll pick up on it.

It's not going to be an everyday kind of thing, and it's not going to be excessively raunchy, I just want to respect you, if you don't want to hear about any sex at all. I'll make an r-rated filter, or something, if anyone asks.

qaf, sex, work, this american life, bisexuality

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