(no subject)

Apr 22, 2009 11:30

We are getting some kinda crazy blizzard here right now. Wow.

The house is practically shaking!


So excited: Telus comes to install internet downstairs tomorrow! Our very own internet hookup!!


You won't hear me say this very often*, but: I had too much to drink last night. Hiedi and I got caught up drinking Caesars and Long Island Iced Teas with Naomi and Keri at Fogg and Suds. We didn't make it to the movie.

*You won't hear me say it very often because it's not often true (anymore). I'm rarely hung over and tend not to drink so much that I don't remember parts of the night the next morning. Not so, last night.

weather, alcohol, fort st. john, hiedi, internet

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