Two things.

Nov 17, 2008 13:44

The past two weeks, I totally haven't been ogling pretty girls on the street. Not at all. Not interested. And this is me!


This disappoints me greatly. They had the funniest blog out there. For sports fans, they were funnier than anything going.

I am really going to miss Firejoemorgan.


ETA a third thing. Just 'cause I like this: "And the current crop of bachelors! Pardon me for saying so, gentlemen, but such a collection of wishy-washy, weak-willed, namby-pamby numbnuts the world has never seen, it seems to me. The way you guys sidle in and out of relationships, a woman could be dating you for six months and never even know it!"

hiedi, girls girls girls, baseball, internet

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