Life is good.

Oct 02, 2008 10:40

Walking to work this morning, through the park with the Four Tops in my ears and watching the leaves softly falling to the ground was really good stuff. It's a pity though that as soon as I got to the hood, they had to go and cover up the cross with tarp and scaffolding.

Soon, I'll need to break out my Sens toque. And soon (like Saturday!!! on the off chance that someone feels like watching REAL HOCKEY AGAIN THIS WEEKEND, let me know!!!) I'll be cracking open a beer and watching them play games that matter.

Right now, I'm Getting Shit Done at work, and feeling confident and capable about my duties (though I just wish I could sneak away this afternoon to watch the live stream of the Sens and the Frolunda (Sweden) Indians... and can I mention how much I love seeing NHL teams playing these games against European teams this pre-season? Also good stuff.).

And tonight, I'll have poooouuuuuutine with my great and good friend evilsocks and maybe we'll flip on the debate and take a swig everytime Sarah Palin is NO SENSE MAKING or everytime Jack Layton is somehow able to claim a direct, deep, personal connection to whichever job or profession is being discussed on the Canadian side or everytime Joe Biden goes long or everytime Stephen Harper refers to one of the other leaders by their first name.

How are the other Canuck media and political junkies on my flist dealing with tonight's debate dilemma?


Best bit I've heard about the Palin-Biden debate so far was on the weekend on the Slate Political Gabfest, with John Dickerson (I think) saying that every answer from Biden should be short, concise and to-the-point. Oh, and then followed with, "But, I'm really curious about what Governor Palin has to say about this issue."


I didn't post the CL ad just yet. Soon though.

ottawa senators, media, canadian politics, american politics, social life, hockey

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