Lapins Superstars

Jul 19, 2008 19:24

Today my cousin, her boyfriend and I:
-ate great Italian in Old Montreal
-wandered through Chinatown
-went up the mountain hill where this group from France was putting on a random, free performance on the steps of the Chalet and they were AMAZING. (wellesleywino: you and other ska people might like them.) I wanted to buy a CD, but they were sold out. But whatever. I'm so glad I found out about them! They were a bit like a high school or university band full of cool, non-band kids. (Sorry band kids, but even you know what I'm sayin'.) I also think I fell in love with several of them. This might displace Royal Wood as my favourite random live music discovery. They said they're in town for the next week or so, and they're just going to be playing random shows in the streets while they're here. Keep your eyes peeled for large brass sections whose members are wearing rabbit ears!
-walked through the cemetery, having a contest to see if any of us could find someone who died on February 29th. No one did.
-got lost in Outremont and we walked and walked and got so sweaty.

Tonight I'll:
-take 'em to Foufs.
-attend midnight comedy at Just For Laughs.

Good weekend? YES!

(One other thing about the band and their performance: They have a song called 'When da Shit Goes Down', and most of the lyrics are basically just those words, repeated over and over. I'm glad I live in a place where people, well, don't give a shit about something like that. Parents were dancing with their little children to it! I can think of cities/neighbourhoods where that song performed on the street - with one measly swear word in a context where it's basically meaningless - would bother people.

Okay - one other thing: I emptied all my change into their trumpet case, and they were CLEANING UP. I wouldn't be surprised if they had $500 in there, in at least 3 different currencies I saw. But then again, there were about a dozen of them, so that wouldn't go far.)

nancy (cousin), girls girls girls, family, music, montreal

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