Meat, beer, fire and water. And, the freaky_eggplant interview.

Jun 22, 2008 18:38

Back from the cottage. It was a good weekend. No - it was a great weekend, just like it was two years ago. We were worried about the potential for bugs because we've all heard the horror stories about what it's like in the bush this year, no? Well, our spot on a point in Pike Lake was just fine. There was a near-constant breeze that kept them at bay. And we were worried about rain, but we needn't have been; it rained some before we woke up this morning, but that was it. Friday night, we dined on zucchini, baked potato and massive, delicious, grilled steaks, we built a fire in the cauldron, and we talked about the best movies and concerts we've ever seen. Oh, and we might have had two or ten drinks as well. We slept around 3.

Saturday, we had breakfast around 11, and lounged on the dock for several hours after, reading big fat Saturday papers, swimming and ragging on each other. Until my father's accident. He was totally sober at the time (the only one of the six of us who hadn't yet cracked a beer, in fact) when he was walking barefoot near the water and he stepped on a small, broken tree-stump - about the diametre of a toonie (twonie? that way doesn't look as good to me), and it pierced his skin pretty deep. He said it probably went an inch or more deep, and the amount of blood suggested he was about right. Blood was gushing out. Kristjian washed out the wound and wrapped it up, but determined that a trip to the ER was our best move. So, he drove Dad into Perth for that. Fortunately, it only took them about two hours, all told. And it gave them an excuse to hit the liquor store on the trip back anyway. :p

Saturday night was more casual food-wise, with burgers and dogs on the menu. But they too were grilled, and that's something I don't get often enough, so it's not like it was a hardship. Dad was in pretty decent pain though, so he retired early - around 10 (said he found some Tylenol 3 in his toiletries bag though, and that it helped :p). It was a shame for him he slept so early though, because it was right around then that Mike and Dylan whipped out their guitars and favoured us with Randy Newman, George Gershwin and others. Murray and I sipped on Spanish Coffees, and they played for a good hour or so, much to our delight. Sometimes when I'm handing out interview questions to y'all, I'll ask who the most "impressive" person you know is. If I was asked that question myself, Mike would be one of the people I would consider.

So, the weekend was full value. Mike plans to book the same place again for the same weekend next year very soon (but he also said that in 2006, so we'll see). Tonight I'll get some time with mom. When she wakes up later on, we'll order Colonnade Pizza and probably stay up a bit listening to music. Tomorrow, back to Montreal.


Questions from freaky_eggplant (some of these answers might be reruns for longtime readers here; we'll forgive her though because she's new and apologized in advance for that :p):

1. Do you have any tattoos/piercings? If not, will you get any? What/where? If still no, imagine the answer is yes dammit.
I have a stud in my tongue. I wrote in March about how I would soon get a tattoo. And I still will, it's just going to wait until either August when Kiki comes back for another month and gives me $400 again, or until September when I'm living in a cheaper apartment and/or with a roommate. If I didn't worry at all about how it would reflect on me in my work life, I probably would have other work done. I've long wanted:
-something with my eyebrow (unsure of the exact jewellery)
-ear piercings, but only higher up - like in the cartilage; possibly an industrial
-lower lip piercing, off-centre

And probably other tattoos too, but I'd need to think on them some more.

2. What were you like in high school? What was your group of friends like?
I had my toes in a number of different social circles when I was in high school. I could move pretty seamlessly between almost all the different cliques - not fully accepted by many of them, but it's not like anyone looked amiss at me, either. I think it's fair to say that I didn't really have many enemies. But I did have good, close friends, and one tight circle that I spent the majority of my time with. We called ourselves by the place where we ate lunch everyday - The Nook, a little unused nook at the end of a hallway near the library.

They were sort of alterna-kids, but they were good alterna-kids. Not a lot of drug use, not a lot of sex and not a lot of drinking, for the most part. Generally I'm out of touch with all of them now, save for Facebook. But still, they were the reason that I'm able to look back fondly on my high school days, which is better than a lot of people I know can say. I have a lot of good memories of times with them.

3. What do you think is the biggest factor contributing to your current state of un/happiness/other?
I don't even know whether I'm happy or unhappy right now, to be honest. And that makes this question difficult to answer. I'm tired of being alone - I do know that. And I don't even necessarily mean that I wish I was sharing a bed with someone every night. I just wish that I had someone to spill everything to. Someone that I would hang out with multiple times each week. Someone who, if I wanted to travel somewhere, would want to go with me and only me. Someone who, if I wanted to do something that none of my friends wanted to do (like, let's say I wanted to go SEE SHOWS AT JUST FOR LAUGHS or ATTEND THE TENNIS TOURNAMENT AT JARRY PARK), would feel at least a little obligated to come with. And of course I'd do the same with them.

I think that's the biggest thing my life is missing right now.

If I wanted to go the other way? The biggest factor contributing to my happiness lately is my newfound willingness to just do whatever feels good, even if it's something I'm not really accustomed to. Like DANCING. Which I'm getting good at. I can't wait for my next trip to Mod Club.

4. What is your favourite thing about summer?
Too many things to choose from! But the festivals in Montreal and the fact that it can be 10 seconds between "Hmmm... I want to go out somewhere" and me walking out my front door are right up there, I'll say that.

5. Why should I move to Montreal and be your roommate?
Because there are jobs for unilingual anglos here (ya gotta look, but it can be done), because you can live in a fantastic apartment in the middle of the action for maybe half what you'd have to pay for a similar place in TO and because it seems like you and I'd jibe like that.


Food's gonna be soon, but probably later tonight I'll sneak down again to get caught up on how all your weekends went.

high school, memory, dad, dancing, montreal, begging but not really, pike lake, food, summer fun!, interview, meme, body mod

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